I made this animation of a Brain Slug
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I used paint.net to make the brain slug I used in higher quality. (This is the original image i based on, from Monster Moviepedia).
I later animated everything using Adobe Animate which apparently is really a shitty software to use nowadays for animation (it's based on flash), but i already had the adobe suite and didn't want to shell out for something better, especially since I'm just starting to learn. I did hear good things about Toon Boom Harmony 24 when I was looking up what to use, though, but it's also paid. Either way, Adobe Animate has a great wire frame/skeleton system, despite being very resource heavy.
If you're interested in more alternatives for animation software, you might find this post interesting, although you'll have to visit that gross website that shall not be named to read it.
edit: fixed a link
Awesome, thank you for that info! I’ve always been fascinated by animation but it isn’t an area I’m super strong in.
I only tried dipping my toes in a few months ago. You can learn to do basic stuff like this p fast with practice. Strength can be trained. ;)
Have a nice day!