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@CameronDev @thingsiplay I refer you to this: https://www.pubnub.com/blog/how-fast-is-realtime-human-perception-and-technology/
That said, we did an experiment in a physics class many years ago where by there was a beeper and an electromagnet that were powered by the same source. The electromagnet held a yard stick in place. When the beeper went off we were supposed to push a button in response. The button stopped the fall of the yardstick. Then by calculating how far the yard stick fell using the 32m/s^2 speed of gravitational acceleration we calculated how long response was, average was about 200ms, I responsed in 30ms, however this only works for me for auditory queues, visual is more delayed for me, and I can't detect any change in under 20ms and just barely at that, let alone respond to it. But what I learned in that class was that reaction times varied individual to individual by a factor of about ten, so what is true for one person may not be for another.
Yeah it definitely varies per person, and I think you can even train for it somewhat.
I used to play a lot of guitar hero, and I think this improved my visual "latency" a lot, to the point where I could definitely tell when something was visually 5-10ms out of sync (in the case of guitar hero, when you strum the bar vs when the note lines up with the strikeline).