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"that train pic is too powerful lmao" - u/Cadende
I don't know what "illegally controlling a major bank" means or how she pulled it off but that's what AP news says about it.
~~Sounds like you give yourself sweetheart deals on mortgages and then the money line goes up. Then you pay your friend for landscaping and shit to keep it in the family. You essentially put on creative mode on Rollercoaster Tycoon. Then some pencil pusher says that if they were doing legit banking based on their historical returns they could have made X amount of dollars given a Y input [1].~~
~~[1] I made it the fuck up~~
No, she's just got the billionaire gene. In America she'd be vice president right now.
Probably failing to report a conflict of interest that would’ve made her position impossible?
wikipedia has summarized the situation in a way neither the fortune article nor that AP news article could with a single paragraph:
Amazingly concise lmao.
Rare NATOpedia W