I want to know when that report was filed. "I can't find my cat, therefore my Haitian neighbors stole it to eat" is the kind of statement dreamed up by the utterly deranged, unless the idea was already in the water supply because a vice presidential candidate was saying it in interviews ahead of a national debate.

A police report would mark a diversion from the usual pattern of these things where Trump surrogates talk a big game about the massive conspiriacies against them (and therefore against You, the hypothetical American voter) to the media, but if they ever end up in front of a court or a police report or something where lying may have actual consequences they back off hard. How many times did we hear about all the mountains of evidence they had of voter fraud in 2020, and how many of the resulting court cases include those same lawyers specifically saying "we do not allege voter fraud" when the judge asks about it.

Do you think he actively avoids those, or was this just the most convenient seat at the time?

In other news, Germany should be allowed to keep half of Poland and the Sudetenland.

We don't do right of conquest anymore because we recognized how it obviously incentivizes more wars of aggression and the associated humanitarian disasters.

Protesting and striking are valuable ways of organizing and fighting for change outside of the broken electoral system, but that isn't incompatible with using the power afforded to us through the electoral system to avoid the additional damage of a Trump presidency.

Or would you prefer to continue protesting and striking while the president has openly laughed about illegally firing striking workers and backed the use of even more police violence against protestors? Have we really forgotten 2020 so quickly?

And those people are being told that the moderators were lugenpresse who were on the wrong side and want to protect criminals over your dog as part of their something something woke. The fact that the lamestream media keeps talking about how false it is and going to increasingly desperate lengths to deny it must mean we're onto them.

This is how the propaganda works. This is such a blatant lie that it should be a simple fact-check, but since that doesn't actually change anyone's mind all the attempt does is keep everyone talking about immigration, an issue that fires up the right-wing base and exhausts a lot of their opponents. You're absolutely right that we shouldn't be still talking about whether this is true or not, but focusing on how weird and dumb this conspiracy theory is getting. That's why the "weirdo" tack has been working for Harris in this campaign, and it's unfortunate that the headlines have lost interest.

Just keep smashing yourself into the bricks to "deny the wall legitimacy" or whatever. I'm sure it will work this time.

I feel like in a lot of cases the context is also sometimes important to differentiate between a real-life idiot and someone who is "Just Asking Questions."

The trite disclaimer is one thing, but explaining how you came to the specific question you're asking helps me trust that it's worth giving you an actual explanation rather than the dismissal that some folks want so they can post it on wherever the new home is for "so much for the tolerant left" bullshit.

Note that the image here isn't from the AI project, it's from actual Doom. Their own screenshots have weird glitches including a hit splat that looks like a butt in the image I've seen closest to this one.

And when they say they've "run the game" they do not mean that there was a playable version that was publicly compared to the original. Rather they released short video clips of alleged gameplay and had their evaluators try to identify if they were from the AI recreation or from actual Doom.

Even by the abysmal standards of generative AI projects this is a hell of a grift.

He does mention that you'll need a military to defend your borders, though of course he's more concerned about opportunistic "legacy governments" taking his iceborne super country away from him rather than pirates showing up to fish anything valuable out of the sea as it all predictably and rapidly falls apart.

Gee, I wonder if there were any major shake-ups in the Ukrainian government circa 2014 that could have explained this change in tune.

Ukraine wasn't able to join NATO because of active territorial disputes regarding Russia's 2014 illegal annexation of Crimea. The 2022 invasion and intervening Russian-backed fighting in Donestk and Luhansk were naked imperial land grabs trying to force Ukraine back into the Russian sphere of influence despite their democratic processes repeatedly trying to move towards the EU.

Or in simpler terms, imperialism is actually still bad when Russia does it and it's weird that you don't seem to understand that.

I got as far as "he says crypto is bad but also didn't make any money in crypto!" before I couldn't go any farther. Up until that point the author was at least doing a pretty competent job of using negative space (i.e. not engaging with the specific issues of racism, cult of personality, etc.) and using sufficiently boring prose to avoid seeming completely insane.

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