[-] schleudersturz@beehaw.org 5 points 2 weeks ago

I'm sure that dead-naming is far worse but would I be wrong to think that this lies in the same vein as dead-naming?

This is fascinating to me. I've never changed my name so I cannot have been dead-named but I do know how I feel when my family treats me in a way that denies the facets of my identity that I have accepted in my more recent adulthood – concretely: my neuro-diversity, because they don't know that I don't think of myself as binary.

Of course, these are not the same thing but people understand differences by bridging gaps based on common ground and all of this discussion builds common ground, in my mind. That's why I'm asking.

[-] schleudersturz@beehaw.org 3 points 2 weeks ago

I cannot agree.

I have very week, most frequently non-existent gender allegiance but I do know that there's a tonne of stuff that's odd about me and I often am offended or driven off by people who do things that simply don't work with my mind-set so I can well understand why being "misgendered" (sarcasm quotes: yours.) might just be a thing that drives someone else away.

I'm not here because I'm accepting "fault" upon myself. I'm here because I want to be part of a tolerant future and I feel that this is important given the trajectory straight into hell that we are clearly currently set upon. I'm here because I'd at least like to ask "why" before I decide how I will behave in relation to others.

I choose to live as if the world was one in which I'd choose to live and, in that world, people get to choose their identities however they please. I can't relate to why someone takes offence at "they"/"them" but, if they are offended, I can and will accept that and, conversely, I would wish that they might realise that I will surely make mistakes and get this wrong even if I do or did understand.

This is the only fair deal: I try in good faith, they understand and offer the benefit of the doubt.

I don't perceive any attention-seeking but that's besides the point. Even if they choose to seek attention, I don't begrudge them that: sometimes, people seek attention. Why should I object?

[-] schleudersturz@beehaw.org 3 points 3 weeks ago

Your comments might be more relevant to me than you know. I don't know if I'm "agender" or something else. I know I very definitely do perceive that I have a gender, sometimes. Maybe an hour here and there, an evening, … but I can definitely identify with that "don't even perceive my own gender" bit for the vast majority of my life, integrating over time.

And, as you can clearly tell, I haven't perceived my own gender intensely enough to bother to find the right label for it so I mostly just let the world slap whatever labels they think makes them happy.

I guess that that annoys me, though, now that I come to think about it. I do know that I'm not what they label me. Most think I'm heterosexual male because that's how I suppose I present in real life – how I dress and what you'd see on the "FKK" swimming lawn – and the rest label me "gay"-as-in-perjorative (I'm from a toxic-masculine culture, born in the 80's, with a voice pitched too high and a body that's not tall enough. What else would you expect?) I'm definitely neither of these. Or: nearly always neither of those and never only either of those.

Maybe this unacknowledged irritation is why I'm here, looking to find the right way to treat others even while I've long given up on being treated right by the wrong sort of others? (I am exceedingly lucky in that I can fly below the radar and live in a safe country so I literally can treat people who deny my existence as simply beneath my notice.)

[-] schleudersturz@beehaw.org 2 points 3 weeks ago

That's fair. Insightful.

I have very nuanced bi-sexual tendencies and, to me, I don't personally have strong feelings towards my own pronouns but I have not personally realised any deep affiliation with "male" (my assigned gender) or "female" but I can well imagine that it is much more critical for a trans person who has realised an identity deeply enough to inspire them to transition.

I mean: I don't even care about my own gender – call me whatever. At certain times, I have an attraction one way or the other. I'm married to a woman. I'm a father. These facts are all true but I honestly couldn't care what pronouns or gender or sex you write down, for me. This is probably why I started this topic: I'm trying to understand how this is for others who care far more than I do.

I don't care but I do care to honour those who do care. I certainly care to honour those who care enough to choose to transition!

But oh dear, though. That does not help me. I'd love to call your hypothetical trans woman a woman on purpose but that would require me to notice what she thinks "normal" people "normally" notice and, yeah: autistic. Maybe I'll stop defaulting to "they" / "them" – at least online – and default to confused-blob-cat or something for pronouns.


I am neuro-divergent. I struggle with remembering minutia that aren't, coincidentally, just luckily the minutia that I glimpse, once, and never forget. I state this not as an excuse but as a statement of fact and I am terrible at remembering people's pronouns. I cannot even remember people's names. When I see people I know, I can remember who they are, what we have done together, where we have been, what we have seen and even the tone of voice they might use to exclaim at an occurrence or upon some eventuality but – yet – I often cannot remember their names. Pronouns are like parts of their names.

And, so, I tend to address everyone with "they" / "them".

In my limited experience, this only tends to annoy the anti-woke conservative types who renounce the very concept of pronouns and believe that one should only ever be addressed as "he" / "him" – assuming that a penis hangs between their thighs – or "she" / "her" otherwise. (A musing: How do they know? Also, what if it's cold? Or they're upside down? Quandaries within quandaries!)

BUT... I am open minded and I can believe that others, too, might be offended by my cop-out, including open-minded, non-mysoginist, non-bigots who do understand why people elect to be addressed under non-Victorian pronouns.

I have recently had reason to pause and wonder about this. I struggle with pronouns but I do try my best and so, I'm asking: for which reasons might someone object? Tell me, LGBTQ+ community.


I need to step away from my PC – for a moment – because, although I have so much to write, the statements made in this video touch me too deeply and are too closely aligned to my own views and too close to the fundamental reasons underlying my own depression and disillusionment and burn-out.

Watch it.

Seriously. Watch it. If you are well briefed on the A.I. bubble and A.I. Hell, just skip to:

  • ~ 34 minutes to miss the demonstration of the tedious issue.[^1]
  • ~ 38 minutes to reach the philosophical statements
  • ~ 39 minutes to hear about deception – the universal "tell" of A.I. scammers
  • ~ 41 minutes if you're prepared for tears: to lament what we've lost, what we so nearly had, what humanity is losing, what is being stolen from artists ¬

(I need some space.)

[^1]: I assure you this video is not about content farms, SEO or the death of search but one might be mistaken for thinking that, in the first half. Don't. It is worth your patience.

[-] schleudersturz@beehaw.org 15 points 2 months ago* (last edited 2 months ago)

I don't see it as a "lol" matter.

The Electron project made an extremely stupid decision. Individual people who are left to wrangle with the fall-out and manage the PR have nothing but my utmost sympathy, as do all the down-stream projects (Signal, Discord, VSCodium…) who have to do the same. Even the developers of xdg-desktop-portal are facing unnecessary backlash because of this. Their release schedule and time-line for when org.freedesktop.portal.FileChooser v. 4 could be reliably expected to exist in the wild was surely not kept in secret!

[-] schleudersturz@beehaw.org 15 points 2 months ago

This doesn't only affect Flatpak apps. The xdg-desktop-portal mechanism is used by many things. Even "gtk native" applications like Firefox use it when running on a correctly configured KDE environment and one of the nuances of this issue is that those applications – today – continue to work perfectly. Electron is not part of their stack.

I have flatpak on my desktop just for Steam and even flatpak'd steam still seems to work, correctly.

[-] schleudersturz@beehaw.org 21 points 2 months ago

It's a good question for the package maintainers.

In their defence: it isn't a direct dependency, it isn't advertised, and it is likely that the distro package maintainers just don't know about it – Electron hardly announce that they chose to depend on something that they know isn't released, anywhere, yet, and won't be for months.

[-] schleudersturz@beehaw.org 25 points 2 months ago

To lighten the mood, here's a screenshot of one of the lowest points I achieved while hacking away, trying to resolve the issue: comedic relief screenshot What even is going on, there?

  • pixelated menu
  • "Cancel" button at the top left??
  • "Open" button at the top right??
  • clearly Adwaita but not actually Adwaita as configured – the VSCodium window (behind) shows how Adwaita is actually configured on my system and that's how all native gtk applications actually draw.
submitted 2 months ago* (last edited 2 months ago) by schleudersturz@beehaw.org to c/foss@beehaw.org

I spent the morning trying to work out why all the Electron applications on my desktop (vscodium, the Signal client …) were once-a-fuc•ing-gain showing me clunky, foreign file-open and file-save dialogues (presumably from gtk) instead of correctly showing KDE's dialogues via the very-cursed XDG-desktop-portal mechanism.

I'm on Gentoo. Had I, perhaps, broken something?

Nope. It's just yet another regression up-stream, in Electron:

Once again, despite knowing that nobody has support for something because that thing has not been released as stable at all, yet, the whole Electron stack follows the belief that it's perfectly OK to release a change that depends on that thing and, without it, breaks every KDE user's desktop integration.

Then they blame it on xdg-desktop-portal not having released, yet. And won't roll the change back because December is their "quiet month" – neither will they fix it nor make a work-around, seemingly.

Anyway. Writing this post has served to exhaust my ire. One day, we'll see the back of Electron for good – I can only hope!

Let it also serve as a PSA: don't bother trying to work out if you've accidentally broken something on your Linux desktop – particularly if you're on Gentoo, Arch, Slackware or other hacker-friendly distribution. It's not you. It's not your system. It's just fuc•ing Electron – again!

[-] schleudersturz@beehaw.org 2 points 2 months ago

I found this through other means[^1] and appreciated it. It introduced new ideas to me while also describing a lot of things that resonate with me, personally, in words that I wouldn't have strung together, myself.

[^1]: Unbelievably, 'twas the YT Algorithm. Is it because I block ads? Perhaps YT has truly given up all hope of brain-washing me and just fallen back on giving me more of what I want[^2] like a parent tired of a child's nagging? Is this some kind of gas-lighting initiative? Are Alphabet actually not that evil?

[^2]: Kinda wish the creator didn't have to skirt around "acceptable content" policies to survive YT, though. While watching it, I felt their frustration at needing to self-censor coming through and it did threaten to frustrate their argument.

In summary, the argument it makes is that "inclusivity" in games is performative at best and, nearly always, just a token gesture that looks good on the tin and gets praised by the mainstream press but is always implemented in a way that is aimed squarely at cis-het. male players.

One of the strongest examples used to support this is how female player-characters are usually intended to be characters that the player observes, like a voyeur, in the second-person, and player-characters which are intended for the player to identify with and project themselves into are invariably cis-het. males. Lara Croft vs Geralt.

I'm intending to watch it through, again, soon and it might not stand up to the scrutiny of a second, more critical viewing but I certainly found it thought-provoking on round 1.

I'd love to hear other opinions on the video's arguments, though.

[-] schleudersturz@beehaw.org 2 points 2 months ago* (last edited 2 months ago)


Ooh. Good. "Victorian" also comes to mind, now.

EDIT: I rather like "victorian" because it's secular and more recent and has the right connotations suggesting how contrived the very concept of "proper" sexuality is – and how absurd. I fear that "puritan" might get bogged down in concepts of religious phobia and zeal which are certainly appropriate but could be a distraction – it's adding trees to distract from the wood.


Is there an emoji[^1] that is recognised to mean any genitalia, sexual organ, erogenous zone or the like in a wildcard or reader's-choice kind of way?

[^1]: It doesn't necessarily have to be a fruit or a vegetable or flower or anything particular. The question can be interpreted more generally.

We all know about brinjals, peaches and certain blossom emoji but I'm looking for a single emoji, likely a little suggestive, that people in the LGBTQ+, non-binary, sexually freed and queer community interpret as meaning their parts – whatever those happen to be, whether expressed or observed at birth or chosen, freely, in life – and welcomes their own free will to choose what that means, for them.

Although I have recently chosen new levels of acceptance of the ways in which I deviate from the "traditional"[^trad] gender binary I remain, alas, uneducated in how others talk and communicate about their sexuality and so I find myself scared to express my own sexuality for fear of perpetuating the very indoctrination from which I feel I escape, unwillingly and likely unconsciously. Yet I have Thoughts to share and so I seek, now, to learn how to communicate sympathetically – symbiotically – on these topics.

Help me.

[^trad]: Even here, I know that "traditional" is actually only a descriptor for very recent human history. I actually don't know if it is right to use this descriptor and I wonder. Are there better terms for 20th century cis-het. binary strictures, sexual suppression, prudishness and culture-wars?

[-] schleudersturz@beehaw.org 4 points 2 months ago

We won't.

It might look likely through the lens that is appropriate for the rest of the "democratic" world but that lens is not reliable for Germany. In the rest of the "democratic" world, the extreme fascists are hidden much like a dirty secret and so any noise from them that slips through is hugely amplified because it signals the existence of a much larger and more significant fascist movement. In Germany, the extreme right are in clear sight and much more of their noise gets through and the lens that amplifies that noise makes it seem that they might win.

That same democracy will ensure that they do not. In Germany, we can see them for what they are and their seats in parliament represent a more accurate measure of their support base. That support base is tragically large and significant but not enough to give them more than seats in parliament: they do not have a majority and would only form a majority through a coalition with other parties and, here, the transparency is a disadvantage: other parties who stand to be part of the next coalition won't join with the AfD.

Our democracy is not a two-party system. They will not win by jerrymandering or by playing the game. They cannot even sneak power by having a better candidate for key seats because individual seats are won through "first votes" while winning a majority in parliament would require them to take a majority of "second votes" – the system would put those "better" candidates in their seats while correcting the share of seats, overall.

The reason that they are given any space at all is also to their detriment: in Germany, there is exactly one way a political party can be blocked and that is if they contravene the constitution: Die Würde des Menschen ist unantastbar, usw.

This is why we tolerate their presence and one sees the noise they make: they haven't – yet – violated that consequentially, and so they cannot be blocked. Blocking the AfD would be great – I'm all for it, in isolation – but it would compromise something about German democracy and the cure would be worse than the disease because it would only silence their noise: the movement would proceed apace and their movement is, itself, a symptom of a greater problem: there are people who are ill served by the status-quo and the AfD seem to be an "alternative."

If the AfD ever did gain power, however, they simply could not do what they insinuate because that would tear it and the constitutional court would smash them. This is also true if they form part of a coalition: that coalition could not execute on the plans they hint at.

Now, "unantastbar" is a fantastic German word that cannot readily be translated to a single English one but one aspect of it implies immeasurability. The AfD could never pass legislation that discriminated against LGBTQ+ people because that would necessarily divide "people" into two groups and apply a comparator between them and that cannot be done if people's worth is immeasurable. The constitutional court knows this, as do the defence teams who have surely prepared this argument for the day when it becomes necessary.

Germany is by no means perfect and even German democracy is flawed in some ways but, largely, Germany is a good place to live. There are many archaic laws that persist – the gendered language and gendered baby name things count among a legacy of problems – but, largely, these are being progressively overturned. (Albeit slowly.)

Sometimes, we make a few steps forward and then a few (hopefully fewer) backwards but, largely, I think Germany is on the right track.

[-] schleudersturz@beehaw.org 3 points 2 months ago

Ok. I've been trying out WriteFreely and, yeah, here: https://personaljournal.ca/schleudersturz/it-is-more-important-to-flaunt-our-humanity-today-than-it-ever-was-before

How does it look?

  • I really like the simplicity of it.
  • I do not like how hard it was to discover a seemingly appropriate host.
  • I never worked out how drafts were supposed to work and this post was just published without drafting or without any way to preview it or test whether it came out with the right formatting.
  • At least one taxonomy would be good: single-level categories, at a minimum.

Maybe some of the features I want are actually there and I'll find them, eventually.


What is the Fediverse analogue of blogs? Specifically, which facet of the Fediverse provides the features that blogging used to provide:

  • long-form posts (without character limits)
  • embedded images and other media
  • perma-links and RSS / Atom feeds and other features so that content remains linkable into the future
  • commenting and engagement and associated moderation features
  • re-blogging and sharing
  • community: blogs self-organising into interest areas, pollinate other blogs, link to each other, direct their readers towards each other, etc.

And, most importantly, the ability to create, grow and nurture a following or audience?

I'm on Mastodon and on Lemmy and, in my opinion, neither of those quite hit the mark.

  • Masto is too close to bird-site: character limits (nearly always), shoddy threads, and the fact that one is invariably just firing toots into a torrential onslaught of public toots unless one actually already has a following. Hash-tags and other topic-related features seem ill used, throughout, so discoverability is pretty low unless you already have a platform. Engaging with others in replies earns a lot of boosts and favourites but zero followers no matter how well your reply-toots are received.

  • Lemmy is too close to anotheR site. It's great for being a refuge from that and replacement for that but really not a blogging platform.

I'm happy with both of the above for what they do. I really like the discourse in Masto's reply threads, actually, but it seems useless for actually building a following for one's self. I'm rather new to Lemmy but I like what I'm finding, so far.

submitted 2 months ago by schleudersturz@beehaw.org to c/foss@beehaw.org

In preparation for the new year, I've been looking for a "better" way to manage what I'm "doing" and looking for a better task-board / ticket manager / project management solution to replace my current unholy and very-cursed mess involving paper notes on a whiteboard (magnets FTW), issues in Gitea (self-hosted) and a whole bunch of .md files in a git repository.

I tried out self-hosting Leantime in my development Docker environment. That was a waste of effort. It's crowded chock-full of "premium" links that just take you to the paid plugin store. I fully expect artificial limits and nerfs to be enforced, too, if one doesn't pay. (Their "pricing" page even alludes to this, stating that "self-hosted" includes the same as their cloud's "free" tier. That would be 150 tasks. That's borderline useless!)

Why ever would I self-host that? Even if I did, how could I trust it to remain free for the features I need, if it paywalls features in the self-hosted scenario? If I self-host it, I'd also want to be free to hack on it and potentially push merge-requests to an open-source project – why would I ever do that for a paywalled app I don't get paid to work on?

My Docker dev. environment runs off a tmpfs so the daemon got stopped, umount /var/tmp/docker, and that shall be the last I ever see of Leantime. Good riddance.

The search continues. I'm open to suggestions of what's worth trying, though. Lemmy, what would YOU actually trust?

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