[-] rosymind@leminal.space 59 points 1 year ago

I see a lot of people are missing that the :-) face WAS his actual face.

Which begs the question: did she unmatch because she prefers emojicons, or was she just not attracted to that type of face

[-] rosymind@leminal.space 38 points 1 year ago

Uh, bottle the tears of women and throw them (the tears, not the women) on your male enemies?

[-] rosymind@leminal.space 44 points 1 year ago

I mean, society did fail her but that doesn't mean she shouldn't take responsibility for what happened. She left her gun in her purse, unsecured, around a six year old with serious mental health issues. She is absolutely liable. That doesn't mean that she is the only one to blame, tho

[-] rosymind@leminal.space 93 points 1 year ago

I haven't yet seen anyone else point out:

If the embryo was tested, they would know the sex before transferring it to the surrogate uterus (easily avoiding the problem). IVF is insanely expensive, as are surrogates. (Surrogates go for $50k plus per pregnancy)

Whoever did this comic is so willfully (and woefully) ignorant on so many levels that I wonder how they're able to function at all

[-] rosymind@leminal.space 38 points 1 year ago

Well that's adorable

[-] rosymind@leminal.space 52 points 1 year ago

Yeah, this is the problem I'm having with people picking sides. It's a giant crap-pile of the worst of humanity. People act like there's a good side. Nah, everything's a mess of generational hatred and I hate it all.

There needs to be a cease-fire. Hamas needs to release all hostages and then be permanently removed from power in Gaza, and Israel needs to help the Palestinians rebuild what has been destroyed, burry their dead with dignity and respect, and heavily compensate the families of those who have died.

The whole thing is out of control

[-] rosymind@leminal.space 32 points 1 year ago


My husband has had virtually no emotional support from anyone, so much so that he doesn't understand how to communicate any of his feelings.

"How do you feel?" "I don't know" "Can I do something to help?" "I don't know"

I definitely don't ignore his mental health but his lack of communication drives me up the pole. Often I have to just walk away out of frustration. I wish I understood how to get through to him without it making me want to bash my own skull against the wall. I think a big part of it is that he doesn't want to admit that he has any emotions at all

[-] rosymind@leminal.space 34 points 1 year ago

I used to be a consistent tipper.

Now I refused to tip at all.

I want workers to demand what they are worth to their employers, and I'm willing to be the asshole to help them accomplish that.

If we all stopped tipping, they'd have no choice but to turn the low wage issue around onto their employers. Then employers will have no choice but the pay their workers more, because otherwise they'd leave their industry for something else.

I don't care if that means we, as consumers, have to pay a bit more for the food and service. I don't care if that means that some businesses won't survive. I want fairness all around

[-] rosymind@leminal.space 56 points 1 year ago

Or it is, because once you get expelled from teaching and your name is making headlines, you can rake in the $$$ from all the free advertising

[-] rosymind@leminal.space 34 points 1 year ago

Better to draw a giant dick on the windshield in lipstick or eyeliner. No permanent damage, the point gets across, and it's a bitch to get off properly. Never did it myself but I watched an adult woman do it (as a child) and it struck me as such a clever way to get back at an asshole without being a bigger asshole. (Full disclosure, she wrote "bitch" in huge letters across the windshield, but I think drawing a dick is funnier)


[-] rosymind@leminal.space 81 points 1 year ago

Women's rights have been walked back, causing child rape victims to struggle to find abortions, to say nothing of women being forced to carry fetuses who will die upon birth. Trans rights are being shit on, to the point that gender affirming care is being denied to people even where it's legal. Taxes for the wealthy are too low. The middle class is rare to be in. Health insurance is insanely expensive and it's difficult to see a doctor even when you have it- emergency rooms will leave you waiting for 6 hours or more. We simultaneously have too many people, and too few children with a looming crisis of too many elderly. We have microplastics in the air, oceans, food, fetuses, everywhere. Housing is largely unaffordable across the globe. Homelessness is out of control. Massive, destructive wildfires are the new norm. Heatwaves are killing people. Migrants are clamouring to find new countries to live in (which will get worse due to climate change) causing all kinds of social frictions. The youth are anxious, depressed, and suicidal.

But please, tell me how things are good for people over all?

[-] rosymind@leminal.space 55 points 1 year ago

She was 16, so yeah, he's right: he was banging a child.

Even if he isn't convicted of the others (one was treated at a clinic after the assault) dating a 16 year old when you're 30 is gonna get you some time.

Assuming this is all true (I do believe them, but it's up to judge/jury to decide) but he somehow manages to get out of this, his reputation is in the toilet

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