NixOS users be like : meh, just rolling back
Reimplements in C
Segmentation fault (core dumped)
Have you seen how fast printers with stepper motors can get? They print benchies in less than 3 minutes. The bottleneck is not the motion system, it's either the hot-end or the part cooling. Also stepper are super accurate and very flexible. Drivers are advanced and can tune for torque, speed, sound etc. Collision detection and skipped step detection is also a thing.
Piped is great, the content goes through a proxy so there's no interaction with YouTube servers and your account and subscriptions are also isolated.
an SQLite database
Genius! Why bother importing and exporting
The reason that 2fa exists is not to protect you if someone gets their hands on your device. It's to protect you if your "static" credentials leaked from a providers' database or you otherwise got phished. Using a password manager to handle mfa is totally reasonable.
No content is loading for me
Svelte decided to ditch it because it became impractical due to the compilation step slowing down development and making debugging their compiler harder. I think for libraries it makes sense to go the jsdoc way as long as consumers can choose typescript.
The traffic is encrypted between my computer and a VPS located abroad that I rent, which acts as a sort of proxy. My ISP only sees traffic between me and the VPS.
Self hosted WireGuard
I use Hetzner and it's really good imo
Started using Zen browser recently and it's not bad! Basically Firefox but more stylish and more privacy. It syncs with my Mozilla/Firefox account so on mobile I just use Firefox.