I described authoritarians. Socialists, communists, and anarchists are not tankies unless they defend authoritarian regimes.

[-] will_steal_your_username@lemmy.blahaj.zone 1 points 7 hours ago* (last edited 7 hours ago)

You and objections have done plenty of vibes based accusations yourself. I'm apparently both a capitalist, an authoritarian, against revolutions, not "woke", etc etc. You're both equally arguing in bad faith. Didn't even mention the warning in your post. You came into our community and defended your auth ideology, got warned, then continued and got banned. Can't complain when it's in the rules and you got warned.

You are right that there is no point in continuing this.

Where have I stated that I'm against revolutions? I'm against dictatorship and oligarchy.

Anyways, you've made it clear your not an anarchist despite all your claims. You can't seriously see nothing objectionable with the stuff OBJECTIONS is saying

[-] will_steal_your_username@lemmy.blahaj.zone 3 points 15 hours ago* (last edited 15 hours ago)

Tankies have no class consciousness. If you wanna work with these people then great for you. I've seen a lot of evil opinions from .ml users (the ones that are tankies, not all of them obv.) and I really doubt you somehow have not. We don't have to tolerate them on 196 however.

It's not about purity. Go look at what OBJECTIONS is saying in the other post. They're not a leftist, and they admit their propensity for dictatorship quite eagerly over and over. They're not alone in their opinions on .ml.

Nothing abstract about not tolerating auths.

Edit: It's like that saying about eating dinner with nazis. If you are so adamantly protecting tankies then why should I believe you aren't one.

[-] will_steal_your_username@lemmy.blahaj.zone 7 points 20 hours ago* (last edited 20 hours ago)

My issue was not primarily the anti war stance, but that in combination with staunchly defending tankies. Tankies are intolerant by their very nature (as in their ideology is intolerant), and so Diva was banned for defending the intolerant and for likely being a tankie herself.

Looking over her comments here I am less sure that she is a tankie, but she for sure thinks being one is okay and is really into defending them. Again, the point of the anti-tankie rules is to not give tankies a platform.

What a truly dumb argument.

Anyways, like many I consider it solved with the contract of tolerance. You aren't covered by the contract anymore if you go not tolerating people. Any benefits extended to you by the contract only apply as long as you agree to be tolerant.

We also ban for transphobia or for being a fascist. Is that banning all dissent as well?

Yeah I don't quite get this at all. There are some pretty openly vile tankies on the tankie instances. There's one in the other post right now lambasting libertarian socialism and proudly supporting dictatorship. I don't understand why anyone would defend these people.

I for sure have seen liberals throwing that word around thinking commie and tankie are interchangeable. We however use the term correctly.

My experience is that those that complain the loudest about this tend to be obvious tankies in their comment history. I've seen many be angry at how the word is used and then have posts on .ml where they proudly call themselves a tankie.

Most of the people we ban are worse than you, and call ukrainians vermins, some deny the tiananmen square massacre, or make bogus claims about how communist the CCP or russia today is. They are almost always from .ml.

.ml absolutely has a problem with tankies. That you continue to believe that most tankies are just leftists or that your stance on ukraine is not problematic makes it pretty clear who you are.

[-] will_steal_your_username@lemmy.blahaj.zone 17 points 1 day ago* (last edited 1 day ago)

For anyone wondering why we have such strict rules regarding tankies in our community, it's because they have a tendency to try to worm their way into leftist spaces. Tankies constantly try to convince everyone that they are leftists and that being opposed to working with them is "leftist infighting", yet they will defend nation states which oppress unions, commit genocides, or do straight up imperialism. All the same things that capitalist nations do. They either embrace these things or deny they happened, or explain that they were somehow necessary. Some are earnest in how they try to convince others, and some know their stances are not popular and try to be subtle.

Tankies are not leftists, and disagreeing with them is not arbitrary. Based on this we have decided to not platform them on 196. This is mentioned in the sidebar and anyone who does not like this is free to go elsewhere. Additionally, we usually give a warning if the infringing comments are not too bad. Both instances posted about here were instances where they were warned yet continued with their behavior.

Edit: We also don't mind tankies being active on 196, we only mind them defending tankies or proselytizing.

[-] will_steal_your_username@lemmy.blahaj.zone 24 points 1 day ago* (last edited 1 day ago)

For anyone wondering why we have such strict rules regarding tankies in our community, it's because they have a tendency to try to worm their way into leftist spaces. Tankies constantly try to convince everyone that they are leftists and that being opposed to working with them is "leftist infighting", yet they will defend nation states which oppress unions, commit genocides, or do straight up imperialism. All the same things that capitalist nations do. They either embrace these things or deny they happened, or explain that they were somehow necessary. Some are earnest in how they try to convince others, and some know their stances are not popular and try to be subtle.

Tankies are not leftists, and disagreeing with them is not arbitrary. Based on this we have decided to not platform them on 196. This is mentioned in the sidebar and anyone who does not like this is free to go elsewhere. Additionally, we usually give a warning if the infringing comments are not too bad. Both instances posted about here were instances where they were warned yet continued with their behavior.

Edit: We also don't mind tankies being active on 196, we only mind them defending tankies or proselytizing.

We already have a no authoritarian rule in the sidebar, so that won't be necessary

It was mostly for your comment defending the other poster, and for the axe grinding comment. That combined with your stance that ukraine should not defend itself against russian aggression in your comment history made your comments read as you defending tankies.

You were also warned prior to the ban yet continued to make comments in the same vein as before.

I will rule you (lemmy.blahaj.zone)
Be rule (lemmy.blahaj.zone)
submitted 4 weeks ago* (last edited 4 weeks ago) by will_steal_your_username@lemmy.blahaj.zone to c/onehundredninetysix@lemmy.blahaj.zone
HYAH (rule) (lemmy.blahaj.zone)
submitted 3 months ago* (last edited 3 months ago) by will_steal_your_username@lemmy.blahaj.zone to c/main@lemmy.blahaj.zone

Hi all! We've created a community here on blåhaj lemmy for anyone that needs help or advice with HRT.

Everyone is welcome so long as you stay mostly on topic! Bring your hormones, your friends, and your blåhajs!

The community is friendly to DIY and is NSFW by default.

submitted 7 months ago* (last edited 7 months ago) by will_steal_your_username@lemmy.blahaj.zone to c/mtf@lemmy.blahaj.zone

Hi! I've been using gel for several months, but a few weeks ago I made the change to injections. Each injection has resulted in some pains in random areas in my left leg, but mostly concentrated in the muscles below the knee. I also started waking up with muscle spasms in the same leg, which is something I used to have before puberty. The pain mostly subsides after a day or two.

I suspect the issue is vasodilation which I understand is more common in women than men because estrogen dilates the blood vessels, but I wanted to hear other peoples thoughts.

Wearing overknee socks (to compress) helps, as does ice and exercise/movement, which I think is in favour of this being vasodilation.

I will be bringing this up with a doctor in a couple of weeks, but I'm afraid he won't be able to help much or have someone to refer me to as competence regarding trans stuff is pretty low here in Norway (also I'm diy).

I would like to know as much as possible about what this could be so I have something to present to him.

submitted 7 months ago* (last edited 7 months ago) by will_steal_your_username@lemmy.blahaj.zone to c/196@lemmy.blahaj.zone


Transcript: A girl is standing in front of a trans flag. She is wearing a sweater with the trans flag colors and has cat ears. A caption above the image reads: "React with the sparkling heart emoji if you love girl bulge, or hate late stage capitalist imperialism".

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joined 2 years ago