It looks like AI images. Perfect woman with a big smile and doing a strange thing.
Also lobsters. Lobsters can live for 100 years, but way less if gifted at Christmas.
In Europe, we changed to the Euro not that long ago. I was a student and I used to use a shared laundry machine. It was the day before returning to school. I was barely alone in the dorms. Let's do a laundry !
The machines were updated to get euros. There was another machine just to change the coins, especially since the washing machines only took one kind of coin (20 cents).
I put one fresh euro in the exchange machine, expecting to get 5 coins of 20 cents.
Tching. Tching. Tching. Tching. Tching. ... Tching. Tching. Tching. Tching. Tching. ... Tching. Tching. Tching. Tching. Tching. ...
What ?! The machine was buggy and would not stop. I grabbed a hoodie to put the coins in it. Soon, it was not enough. After what seems to be an eternity I was there with around 50€ and kilos of coins.
I bet it's a form with multiple entries, each entry is not different enough of the other ones:
How is the subject of this paper ?
What about the style ?
You checked to reject it, why should it be rejected ?
What's the overall comment ?
Then it's all concatenated into one blob of review.
This makes me want to phase it out faster.
You know what? It's BECAUSE of the US that we, French, have this now.
Although he stayed at a hotel under police protection during this time, Kurtaj still managed to carry out an attack on Rockstar Games by using the room’s included Amazon Fire Stick and a “newly purchased smart phone, keyboard and mouse
Lol. If this was in the plot of a movie, I would say that this is implausible.
Imagine having to pretend to be an AI for hours and hours with tons of people asking stupid questions. I too would be nuts after a while.
The novelty was the story in FPS. Before Half Life, all you have to do is to shoot every moving sprite and grab keys to open doors. The story was a splash screen between the levels.
Nowadays it doesn't look special to have a story. When I first played Half Life, my mind was blown away.
Seriously? It's the actual sign?
We said "wrong answers".
Est-ce une bonne nouvelle ? Je suis sur Bloctel et le problème, ce n'est pas les entreprises qui le respectent. Ce sont les entreprises qui n'en ont rien à faire et surtout les arnaques. Que le démarchage soit interdit ou pas, j'émets un doute que ça change quoique ce soit.