I'm sorry I don't buy this.
I say they CHOOSE to not see it for their own selfish benefit and it might inconvenience their little bubble.
They know they are part of the system and that they are guilty AF.
It affects them so you know what they will care and removed about.
They are even worse than maga bcs they're so disgustingly self absorbed and pretentious they think they are on the right side.
I really hope they get what they deserve.
Those 2 will surely mention Israhell has the right to defend itself.
too busy vandalising Teslas I presume.
Priorities for the libs
That is giving them too much credit.
It is no more than a cover for doing more horrible things.
My niche hobby was late night coming home drunk pizza baking.
While resting the dough is a normal part of the process, falling asleep is not good.
History is irrelevant
says the guy from the country with the nazi past (and present)
What he is scared of, is progressive western culture. Gay people and trans rights movements give him the heebie jeebies and he doesn’t like that stuff coming closer and closer to russias borders, where imaginary lines on the map do nothing to stop the spread and intermingling of culture and ideology.
That is the same reasoning the israeli fascist use as an exuse about the bad muslims they genocide, interesting.
And this even more:
It is important, he says, to inculcate the nation’s youth with nationalist thought, so they can battle Vladimir Putin’s Russia as well as “challenges that could completely destroy” European civilization. Among those challenges: LGBT rights, which lecturers denounce as a sign of Western decadence.
“You need to be aware of all that,” said instructor Ruslan Andreiko. “All those gender things, all those perversions of modern Bolsheviks who have come to power in Europe and now try to make all those LGBT things like gay pride parades part of the education system.”
These thugs beat up a woman's rights march, imagine what they would do to LGBT.
As if you genuinely care and not something to validate your racism, Russophobia and aggressive fanaticism.
Had enough of you.
You can join Azov, Sich, Tornado, Safari or any of the many fascist batallions, you will find likeminded people there.
Hitler sent a certain Dr Mengele to study at the Carnegie Institution to learn about the 'Nordic Race'.
Why is it always the philanthropists?
They let others do the fighting for them indeed
The US, since they make decisions on ideological sacrifices for other countries.
It had to retreat to its safe space of ultimate moral superiority, poor thing.