I only do a few things to my stock KDE, 1)dark theme 2)1 panel on the left cuz my screen is wide 3)install a few of my favorite apps. 4) No timeouts, no auto screen locks. Does a standard set of plugins for Firefox count? Setting up my email account in Thunderbird?
If a YouTube ad installs a virus on my system, can I sue YouTube?
... and hardware.
KVM drawers are cool for homelab racks!
Windows Telemetry at first. Then Windows browbeating various products - "Edge please download Firefox" - Edge: "Why, I am better than Firefox" Me:"Do as I say" Edge: "But -blah blah nah" and so on. I know there are ways around it, but if someone can force an update against my will on my machine, it is not my machine. This leads to questions of what else can they do without my permission. Linux is my machine. I control when and how and what. Also customization.
How did Stable Diffusion get this out of "WasPentalive"?
One of their choices should have been: "This survey is exactly the reason I am going to a different browser. "
Every time I have asked ChatGPT to code something it seems to lose the thread halfway through and starts giving nonsensical code. I asked it to do something simple in HP41C calculator code and it invented functions out of whole cloth.
Error 418
I am not a teapot.
I once heard that "Anyone can be charged with a crime if they can be watched closely enough for long enough."
Would an instance be able to unfederate Facebook/ meta.
My first distro was Yggdrasil