I still see him all over Lemmy.
If you or others don't like the quality of content, then post more quality content. You can always block people you don't wanna get news from.
You are acting like Lemmy has some sway over the world or elections. Dude, hardly anyone has even heard of Lemmy.
Lemmy's need to go outside and visit the real world for a bit. lol
Because they didn't do DEI because the agree with it or agree with liberals. They did it for show and hoped that liberals would think they are cool and progressive and give them their money thru buying their products.
Now they are trying to appeal to the conservatives in charge for the same reason. And when Dems are in charge, they'll change back and talk about how they let all the executives who removed the DEI are fired.
One of the reason I and many other conservatives were annoyed with them is because we knew it was fake and they are just pandering.
So democrats, please remember these names. So when they suddently become DEI once you are in power, you can remember they are faking it.
They never DEI because they agreed with you all. They did it to gain your money and trust. New prez, new goals.
And when a dem becomes president, they'll switch back and say that they have replaced the people who got rid of DEI. And the cycle will continue.
It was never about agreeing with you. And it never will be. They don't want your admiration. They want your money.
probably both