[-] AbsurdityAccelerator@lemmy.world 58 points 4 months ago

I really hope noise pollution in general becomes a bigger topic of conversations. Yes, I hate gas leaf blowers and they ruin so many spring and fall days. But what about my annoying neighbor who insists on revving his Corvette at 5:30am? I hear that damn car for a good five minutes as they are driving away from the neighborhood.

[-] AbsurdityAccelerator@lemmy.world 66 points 5 months ago

I installed Linux Mint a few days ago. It's been great so far.

[-] AbsurdityAccelerator@lemmy.world 34 points 5 months ago

I agree with you 100% but even adoption has been corrupted. Go to petfinder.com and search for a doodle. You will instantly see a bunch of puppies that are clearly from the same litter with an "adoption fee" of $800. I recently learned it's called "retail rescue".

We need to start heavily regulating breeders and educating the public.

[-] AbsurdityAccelerator@lemmy.world 77 points 6 months ago

I remember seeing some clip where he schooled a batista about some whipped cream that's melted. Niel, they are just trying to get through their day while not making enough money. They don't need a thermodynamics lessons in the middle of the shift.

[-] AbsurdityAccelerator@lemmy.world 64 points 7 months ago

I am and old millennial and have pretty much considered my wife and I somewhat upper middle class. We never paid attention to grocery prices, took a vacation every year and were able to put away money for retirement. And while I am fortunate enough to still be doing well, that comfort and buffer we had has all but dissappeared in the pandemic.

[-] AbsurdityAccelerator@lemmy.world 37 points 7 months ago

I am convinced that being "smart" in high school and college stunted my career. I didn't do any work in high school, and had like 2 classes that I'd consider difficult in college. I never learned the value of hard work.

[-] AbsurdityAccelerator@lemmy.world 51 points 7 months ago

I wonder it's because it attracted a bunch of people who weren't into games, but are huge Harry Potter fans.

[-] AbsurdityAccelerator@lemmy.world 73 points 7 months ago

There are millions of youtube videos uploaded every single day. Why do I always get the exact same stuff in my recommendations? And why does YouTube shorts keep playing the same clips over and over again? Even the ones I disliked.


I love not being bombarded by ads thanks to pihole and adblockers. I don't have cable TV either. But without browsing netlifx/Hulu/etc. how do you actually find stuff to watch and discover worthwhile shows and movies to rent from my library?

[-] AbsurdityAccelerator@lemmy.world 50 points 8 months ago

BRB, let me go create another fork.

[-] AbsurdityAccelerator@lemmy.world 70 points 8 months ago

How do we teach people to start using headphones.

[-] AbsurdityAccelerator@lemmy.world 142 points 8 months ago

I swear my 3d printer is more reliable than my paper printer.

Prusa or Bambu? (lemmy.world)

I have enjoyed my Ender 3v2 but my extruder and hot end are acting up and I am ready for a more reliable printer. I like the simplicity of Bambu but it seems to come at the cost of customization. Prusa seems to be more open and extendable, but at the cost of increased complexity. What would you recommend?


Looking to start keeping some daily notes. I don't mind paying for the app, as long as it's one time and not subscription. Bonus points it it on f-Droid.

[-] AbsurdityAccelerator@lemmy.world 33 points 9 months ago

I know this is a joke, but these kinds of topics are showing up in children's media these days. Which i think is great. Simple representation matters.


I followed trash guides to set everything up blindly and my set up is working well. But, I feel like having jellyfin in the same docker compose as my "arr" services isn't good. So, I'd be curious to see if I should split things up. I am even wondering if i should let portainer manage everything.

Readarr tips? (lemmy.world)

I love my sonarr and radarr setup. But readarr seems to not be working so well. Is there a guide on how to get it to be more reliable in grabbing books? And while I am at it, how do I manage audio AND ebooks?


I am having an issue importing QFX transactions and getting a message saying "No transactions found" despite seeing 4 transactions in the file. But, I can't seem to find a place to ask for help on this. Discussions on GitHub are archived, slack is inactive and the subreddit has been locked.


I love reading on my eInk reader. I think if a had phone where the book I was reading was always on the outer screen, I would read even more. But, is this too niche of a form factor?


This is something I can't seem to figure out. Let's just assume that 3rd party apps are the reason reddit is losing money. So, it would make sense that reddit wants to start charging for their API access. But why is the burden on the apps and not the users?


Is there any benefit to host my own instance?

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