This whole comment section is nuts. Who knew a green text about drones and crackheads could set off such vitriol filled discussions about gendered language, homelessness, and whether human dignity can be measured in dollars?
The difference is that your average crackhead/tweaker copper thief knows a sketchy scrap yard that will pay them a discounted rate for the copper cable and not ask any questions. It’s unlikely they know where to unload stole fiber optic cable.
The sign is less to discourage theft than to prevent damage by copper thieves who are unaware of the difference and attempt to steal the cable.
Convenient that the parables and commands suggesting persecution of those different than yourself must be taken literally, but when Jesus says something that impacts you directly, suddenly he’s a master of metaphor.
PhD in getting high, here. It’s not a psychedelic and doesn’t resemble one at all. Tripping is not even the right word for what happens on this drug. On a chemical level, it’s more similar to taking ambien and staying awake than taking shrooms.
Psychedelic shrooms, like all psychedelics, act on the serotonin system, specifically 5-HT2x receptors. Think surfaces breathing, swirling patterns, fractal geometry, euphoric feelings of connection, introspection.
Amanita Muscaria/Pantherina/etc. contain Ibotenic Acid and Muscimol (you will also ideally need to process the mushroom to convert more of the IA to muscimol) which are hallucinogenic in that they cause hallucinations, but they are GABA-ergic. Think sedation, confusion, tiredness, trancelike states, sleep filled with absolutely insane dreams that seem to last for hours or days.
Large doses have their place, but it’s not fun like psilocybin and it certainly isn’t a social experience. Dosing can also be unpredictable and going overboard can result in really long and really uncomfortable, confusing, potentially dangerous experiences. Small doses of Amanita preparations with higher Ibotenic Acid content can be enjoyable in social settings, but at such a low dose there is no “trip” aspect to it at all. Just increased energy and everything is a little more interesting.
One other disclaimer, it’s an oft repeated fact that Ibotenic Acid is used to create brain lesions in lab animals. While this is true, the IA is injected directly into the brain in large doses to do this. There is no evidence at all that this occurs through oral administration or in doses even far normal than a human could/would take. But I thought it only fair to mention it.
TL;DR - Shrooms are awesome at all doses and you should find some and eat them ASAP after doing research and preparing yourself. Amanitas are not remotely similar, and while they can be useful are not “fun” per se, and have the potential to be really miserable or even dangerous.
Store bought seeds ~~probably~~ have nasty pesticides all over them so I would not recommend this. Not to mention it takes a ton of morning glory seeds. If you really want to try this, I would recommend ordering some Hawaiian Baby Woodrose seeds.
That said…the mental and visual effects are very different from LSD, LSA has a MASSIVE body load that most people find extremely unpleasant, and the experience is many times coupled with hours of extreme nausea.
Depending on your country you may be able to legally or semi-legally be able to buy an LSD pro-drug (chemical that breaks down into LSD so is essentially the same thing) such as 1P-LSD or 1D-LSD.
I can’t say for certain what they mean, but while their Trump coverage is solid, many people take issue with the way they are covering the Israel-Palestine conflict.
On another note, while I believe the John Kelly interview should be damning, if you believe it will make any difference you are living in a fantasy world.
Yes, I think that is what they are dismayed about.
This is the most infuriating comment section I have ever seen.
No thanks, a little lotion and I can get myself off for free.
Apparently, my phone is a Republican…
“Women are not allowed in this world anymore because of their own personal preferences or the way their body and body is designed and made and made and they have no choice to make decisions for their bodies.”
I think this is important. That said, traffic info is the whole ballgame for many people. People who live, work, and drive in metro areas frequently use map applications even when driving everyday routes to avoid traffic.
I don’t see Google/Waze/Apple maps getting any less popular unless there is a FOSS alternative that includes live traffic, which does not seem possible while remaining free. People will choose free every time, especially since Google maps works so well.
Personally, I would pay some amount for a privacy-minded alternative, something like OrganicMaps with live traffic. But I doubt it could ever attain the user base it would need to provide accurate traffic info.