All the major media outlets have been bought by a few far-right billionaires. For some years now, propaganda has been omnipresent, 24 hours a day.
Je balance ça ici histoire de pas poster sur le même sujet :
Attal qui débarque a l'improviste et détourne l'interview de sa candidate.
J'ai pas les mots.
In both case it's to protect your users, not you. Nothing wrong with that
So they take YEARS to update/remove obsolete shit from the doc, even for important features. But somehow an obscure ToS page need to be fully deleted without leaving any trace because "low views" ?
Bullshit it's not only disrespect it's pure lies.
A peu près chaque action de l'industrie pétrolière est un complot donc tu prends pas trop de risques.
Total va chouiner et se faire passer pour mère teresa, alors qu'ils fournissent la concurrence. Tu peux pas perdre quand tu joues dans les deux équipes (comme la mafia).
Les concurrents "stations de grande surface" vont chouiner et se faire passer pour des victimes, sauf que la vente a perte va leur ramener des clients qui rempliront leurs caddies de produits shrinkflationnés vendus a des tarifs de voleurs.
Les concurrents "petite station indé" vont chouiner, mais on s'en fout d'eux, c'est déjà des voleurs a la base donc ça leur apprendra un peu la vie. 6 mois de vente a perte ça représente quoi sur 3 décennies d'arnaque ?
1960, not 2016...
I think the "journalist" got confused because on wiki it says the town creation date it 2016.
But it's just 2 old towns close to each other that has been merged this year, it happens every year.
We chose unity because we thought unreal model was shitty too.
Next time it's open source, godot or stride or i don't know, but not unreal.
They would have done the same shit if it worked
Bullshit. You should use the platform where most of your users are. And the users are on discord and do not give a single shit about open source.
You can't do that in unity, because each version has somehow a major bug ruining your life or your project.
They usually only fix them after they introduce another bug that breaks another part of your project, so it's a neverending race.
You don't wan't to reimplement everything yourself and they are always "working on it" so you trust them
Carrefour are fucking thieves and their own low-price brands are also shrinkflationated carcinogenic crap.
They don't really have anything to teach.
Because of this fucking online press embedding tweets into every article, even weather reports
GluxGluxKlan. Sérieusement ? Ca ne suffit plus de l'accuser d'être de droite, maintenant c'est carrément un suprémaciste blanc ?
T'as pas l'impression de faire comme les militants lepenistes et leurs jeux de mots douteux la ?
Faut pas s'étonner de certaines réactions épidermiques quand on joue à ce genre de petit jeu.