[-] jrs100000@lemmy.world 1 points 45 minutes ago

The big search engines wouldn't die anyway. Where do you think the AI is getting its results from? They just scrape and summarize the results so the human user doesnt see the the Google/Bing search page.

[-] jrs100000@lemmy.world 35 points 1 week ago

It seems like its just ethno-nationalists freaking out. Capitalists have been tackling this problem with immigration for a long time.

[-] jrs100000@lemmy.world 60 points 1 week ago

What does this have to do with capitalism?

[-] jrs100000@lemmy.world 36 points 2 weeks ago

The Earth is probably under 100 years old, since all of the people I personally know and trust are unable to provide first hand confirmation of its existence beyond that time frame.

[-] jrs100000@lemmy.world 41 points 2 months ago

The thing AOC, Bernie and Trump do have in common is that they are all populists. That they would also have accepted AOC or Bernie means that they dont necessarily want a demagogue, but its also not a deal breaker for them.

We need to stop with the brainwashing talk. A few people on the fringe were clearly mentally ill, but the rest of them had agency and they made a choice.

[-] jrs100000@lemmy.world 31 points 1 year ago

Well it looks like one of the SU-57s is already down, so the odds are looking better for Cessna!

[-] jrs100000@lemmy.world 44 points 1 year ago* (last edited 1 year ago)

Everyone seems to be missing the most dangerous part of deflation: If prices fall year over year, collateralize credit becomes incredibly unstable. If you borrow a million dollars from the bank to build a house and then in five years that house is worth half a million...well you would be stupid not to walk away for your loan and leave the bank with a half million dollar hole in its balance sheet. If the whole market does this consistently year after year then banking becomes impossible and the whole system collapses. Weve had this happen before, such as during the Great Depression and very briefly during other market crashes like in 2008. If a central bank has to choose between inflation and deflation, they will choose inflation every time.

[-] jrs100000@lemmy.world 59 points 2 years ago

You missed the step where you tell everyone what distro you use, and that its the best.

[-] jrs100000@lemmy.world 58 points 2 years ago

This sort of stuff always makes me wonder....WHAT THE HELL ARE YOU ALL USING YOUR OS FOR?. All I want my OS to do is hold my files, execute my programs and stay the hell out of my way. What could people possibly be doing with their OS that makes version and distro wars worth more than two seconds of your life? Its like arguing about which calculator or plain text editor is best. I dont care. It adds the numbers, it changes the letters, as long as it isnt doing anything else: who cares.

[-] jrs100000@lemmy.world 118 points 2 years ago

First off, Reddit (and Lemmy) is not a good place to learn about logical arguments and debate. The whole voting system is designed to filter popular opinions to the top and bury things that people dont like. If you sound authoritative and match your argument to the tone and biases of the community, your statements go to the top. If you get defensive or your answer doesn't match the subreddit you get dog piled with down votes. If there are any topics you are genuinely an expert in just go hang out in the appropriate subreddit and watch all the complete bullshit, half truths and personal opinions that get recycled over and over as gospel truth.

[-] jrs100000@lemmy.world 37 points 2 years ago

I dont know what everyone was expecting. Enduring nonsensical rules, shitty working conditions and incompetent authority figures is about the most military thing there is.

[-] jrs100000@lemmy.world 82 points 2 years ago

The big problem is going to be when someone decides to start spamming and vote manipulating with bot populated private instances that automatically re-spawn themselves under a new name whenever they are blacklisted. Eventually, the standard will have to move to whitelisting over blacklisting, and once that happens the whole premise of federation starts to fall apart.

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