Greed applies to all of these companies let's be honest.
New fetish unlocked
Way better then Matlab
I hope it was garlic NaN at least.
Whoever thought that $50 a month is any sort of good income is brain dead.
Remember, Israels beginning started way before WW2. They wanted to colonize Palestine as early as the 1890s.
We should start calling them pro rape.
But is Israels actions appropriate? Indiscriminate bombing across all of Gaza? Collective punishment? If they really wanted to A) save hostages and B) take out those responsible, they could do a surgical strike with special forces. Raining hellfire upon innocent people just because their might be hamas there is absolutely disgusting.
When you spend money on something, let's say one of those movies from PlayStation, you don't actually own that movie, there is no file given to you that is yours. You are just given access to it. And then, out of no where, they can take that away from you.
When you pirate something, you are just creating a copy of the file, you aren't taking away the original file.
So, the argument here is that morally pirating is okay because no one is losing anything, aside from potential sales for the company I guess. But on the flip side, the company is essentially stealing from you because they took your money, and you aren't allowed access to what you bought.
The most morally just position in this case would be that if you were one of those customers who paid for and then lost access to said movies, and then you pirated them back, you could say that the company had already made their money on you, and you're owed those movies.
In my opinion, I don't think pirating from any million / billion dollar company is bad even if you didn't "own" it originally.
It's not like babies aren't being killed throughout all of this, Israel has literally leveled neighborhoods where people lived, and where children and babies lived too.
This feels like some sort of ploy to say that innocent people aren't being killed, using AI as some sort of excuse. I don't doubt people are faking stuff, but I do wonder who is creating them, because anyone from any side could be creating intentionally misleading AI generated images.
Because their name is Jim Benton?
Pretty sure Firefox have that too