Dude. Are you sure you have your mat aligned properly? What kind of compass have you used? You need to align your mat perfectly due North. Remember: the magnetic north. Not the "true north", which would misalign you on the magnetic lye-lines causing all kinds of halucinations. Don't use your phone but a real compass and make sure there is no interference from metal objects.
That's a pit in England.
I often buy these. But, I always take care noone sees me buying them.
- SWF should shun Meta at all costs.
.oO Trying to remember how this worked on FidoNet.
Somehow my brain skipped over the word "Same" and went 'waah?'
-User repairable/modifiable.
It'll have to run on a couple of AAA-batteries then.
!RemindMe 5 years
move to a smaller instance that is hosted close to you.
How do I know the distance from an instance to me?
Sorry, I'm not allowed to upvote you.
RemindMe! 1 year
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joined 1 year ago
And still it won't quit.