Tone gays and the Asian hat man on the popular bitcoin YouTube news show kept on saying that as bitcoin gets bigger it will just be cheaper for cuntcoiners to attack other coins. This is probably what's happening. Total spastics selling future prosperity for their mad gains too afraid to pay to get into the morally correct chain. Tone vays is the worst he kept on saying he bought crypto anon. They know and just riding this shit. Good thing nobody is imune to cancer or being poisoned.
Have you even installed the app? Different currencies have different limits. Without being specific nobody is going to take YOU seriously. Limits are not there for fun.
Strictly research only. Don't buy monero meme refers to mining testnet coins and virtually bathing in them.
There should be a standard for storing personal information. The standard should be not to store personal information.
Monero gets a mention big deal. He basicly buys low sells high. He doesn't love crypto he is a fucking wanker.
Tomorrows criminal did nothing wrong yesterday until someone changed the rules today.
Monero is more woke. Its open and inclusive for all.
The darknet does not have arcane knowledge. Just because it's there doesn't mean it's true.
Sweet. How about the options to also sell an item or provide a service for monero. Xmrbazaar or moneromarket. May also be worth mention mining for completeness.
Maybe a link to kyc not me and monerica? The Url gonna be hard to remember...
Htgm dot meow
The forever boot on humanity wins again.... Thanks for your service (never used them, don't even know what monero actually)
Are you savvy enough to use haveno reto application? I would recommemd that. can send you some monero for a amazon gift card in return. Once I confirmed claim I can send you monero. 100 aud. Yeah the issue of trust is an issue.