This has been my experience too. A random party w/ friends that rages until the next morning after 2 months of silence? Sorry, didn't mean to be that loud. We'll keep it down next time, let you know in advance, & even extend an invite. An every 3rd day blasting of music at whatever hour? Fuck you, I pay rent, I don't care if it bothers you.
Sounds like capitalism in its best form.
All I remember is he's the original buyer of the "Once Upon a Time in Shaolin" album by Wu-Tang for $2MM. I hope he never took a moment to listen to it before it was forfeitted on his behalf by the US government.
Sure, common & logical belief, but not how major corporations are allowed to operate under various forms of regulatory bodies across the globe. You may have an opinion, but your opinion holds 0 value. Welcome to the actual world of global commerce. Glad to meet you!
1st it's Giuliani w/ money problems, now this guy. If 'actions had consequences' was this obvious, to everyone, all the time the world would be a much better place. Sadly, these are merely the exceptions.
It's not just them, it's everyone, just say different times. The moment the world allowed, & even heralded, wealth extraction over wealth creation everyone lost. Well, not everyone, a small number of people won impressively, like generational wealth levels, but we speak of them fondly. We assign labels like entrepreneur & genius to those folk.
Hatred of the universal level is the tippy top as far as I know. Maybe it's a personal bet or, even better, a dare? You can't back down from a dare!
But, like, you can do something similar by pulling down twice. That screen can be configured to show almost any toggle. Different actions, similar results. Is it the actions you don't like?
I wish them all the best, together, on a sinking platform w/ no life vests. Leverage one another for an even faster downfall.
I believe you're simplifying the situation a bit & overlooking all aspects of 'job performance.' I do agree w/ your sentiment that jobs are/should not be a given, but from what I know about AI I'm struggling to believe it's ready for nuanced roles in customer service.
Doesn't seem all that insightful to me. Looked to be a nothing burger.
If only it was the price of eggs that got him elected rather than the fear & distrust of 'others' in society.