I think this stuff just falls into the anime industry thinking they need to have more and more shows every season. It seems like they either take some half baked idea and crank out a show, or they remove all the nuance from something interesting to make it easily digestible. I have noticed a trend of that recently, and I'm really not sure which it is. I watch a LOT of anime (30+ currently airing shows a season) and I may just be more sensitive to it, but the amount of shows that have an interesting premise, and then just turn into "Wise Man's Grandchild" are a lot more than you'd expect. Another one from this season is Sweet Reincarnation, where a pastry chef died and is reincarnated into a wealthy family with a dream to make everyone happy with desserts, but as a 9 year old kid, he's a master negotiator, able to lead in battle, and amazes everyone he meets with his skills and magic. It kinda defeats the purpose of the setup IMO.
I enjoyed the show ok while it aired, but like you I will probably not really remember it after this upcoming season. I am an admitted sucker for isekai trash, so I'll continue watching them, but the trend is concerning for sure.