Any chance you could get a glance at the driver? I always enjoy it when they perfectly match their car's stereotype (they do surprisingly often)
No, sadly. Looking back at the few pictures I took, their face is covered by clouds so no luck there either
I once saw a Ferrari Enzo pulling into a parking lot at the same time I was. I was pretty excited about the car and expected to see a stylish middle aged man getting out of the driver's seat. Instead it was a very obese middle aged couple that were dressed like they were going to Walmart with a hangover. Their clothes were wrinkled and stained, and they were slovenly all around. That was the biggest contrast between car & driver that I've ever seen.
I've seen a few around here back when they came out. But they were in a dealer lot, both "used" and marked up to $200K
What even is the estimated mpg on that? EVs tend to be 3x-4x better over ice but that was a while ago. And like, 4x 1 mpg is still only 4mpg I imagine, ya?
Side joke, this dude still wants to be obnoxious, what replaces their rolling coal? Aftermarket Tesla Coil for "rolling thunder"?
They install a van de graaff generator in the bed that pops out when you pass an ICE car and zaps it.
Bold of you to assume that someone driving a Hummer EV has ever heard of a Van de Graaff generator
I like to think he just crabwalks everywhere, over medians and into 4 parking spots
There's a family near me with a school bus yellow Hummer towing a same color boat(~30ft) on a trailer. Park it under a carport in the front yard. My theory was they won the lottery but was told they are just weird. Need to get a picture
Nice spot. That thing makes the word "massive" an understatement.
Does it need to charge every 7 feet?
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