Oh you just know someone is going to refuse the treatment that would otherwise save their life because it came out of China.
There will be a whole fearmongering campaign by the pharmaceutical companies insisting that this treatment is "unsafe" and "untested" because they can't patent it themselves.
It's US, some legislators will take the bribe and cook up law that their pharma needs to be middlemen with at least 5000% cost increase for patients. That is, if it's not already done.
In evil communist China the government forces you to live longer! They're literally curing cancer so that they can keep their totalitarian hold on their people and the Weegurz!
"China is lengthening the lives of their citizens so they can force them to work longer. Check mate commies."
Amerikans always gotta put a bad spin on everything China does huh
That's right CPC is tricking people into supporting them by constantly improving their lives with each and every year
yeah but the economist told me they're going to collapse before the end of the year so maybe this is just a desperate attempt to save themselves
CCP stole this technology from the Chinese people
Down with CCP
US News
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