I'm pretty sure Nekogram removes this shit.
I tried installing nekogam X from fdroid and it does not let me rearrange the folders, is it the same app you linked or a different one?
You installed the correct app, well, it doesn't support the premium features then. I'm sorry, I was wrong about that.
Don't worry, thanks anyway!
this is against the terms of use of the Telsgram API, but you can find hacked clients on Mobilism
...really? I mean, what if I write my own client from scratch? I should include this crap or I won't be able to publish it? Or is it just a "problem" of forks?
I may be wrong, but I remember that if you create your own app, it should include either all premium features or none at all.
Where do you get ads? Never ever seen a telegram ad.
How do you plan on organising without premium? Isn't that server side?
Sometimes on channels arrives a message about usually crypto stuff completely unrelated to the channel, with an X button, and if you click it it says "pass to premium to remove"
What do you mean by plan? I only want to rearrange the order of the folders, but the "all chats" folder cannot be moved (settings > folders > if you have other folders try moving one as the first one and see what happens)
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