The no-PC-version/no-comment-on-a-PC-version is SOP for Rockstar. I'm pretty sure they do it to double-dip from gamers who would prefer a PC version but have to play the game RIGHT NOW. So they buy the console version then when a PC version is released a year or so later they buy it again. I'll admit I fell for it with GTA4, but I've smartened up since then. Well, that, and also having lost interest in the GTA formula.
You are correct. I bit hard for GTAV. I owned that game on 360, PS4 and PC. I only owned RDR2 on PC, and that will be how it goes from now on
They're insane charging that much.
Especially for a game you can already play in 4k just by using an Xbox and a $5 copy of RDR for 360.
Well that's disappointing but I'm not surprised, Rockstar seems to despise PC gamers, I didn't expect them to release the game on Switch before PC tho. They certainly want to double/triple dip.
I'm now certain that they won't release GTA 6 on PC at launch. Fuck them.
The game isn't even enhanced, not surprised too, that's expected from these greedy clowns.
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