One thing to note (among others) is that the habitable zone is usually to mean a distance from the star where the temperature range is such that liquid water could be present on the surface. This is not a guarantee that the temperature on the surface actually is able to have liquid water. (Earth has been too hot or too cold for most of its history) Many other factors influence this. It also doesn't mean there is actually any water, the temperature could be perfect, but simply not have any water. The mechanism Earth got its water isn't fully understood and there is no reason it is a guarantee of even likely to happen in other places. It's also possible for a planet to lose all of its water. Even if the temperature is just right, it does not mean life is present. Again how life on Earth started isn't fully understood and might be a one off in the universe and eternity.
In this case there is good reason to think there isn't life on this planet. The habitable zone of a red dwarf is close into the star, which exposes the planet to a lot of radiation and mass ejections from the star. This is probably not good for life on that planet, at least at the surface.
Who knows, maybe some single cellular life lives on the bottom of an icy ocean, protected by kilometers of water/ice. Living off geothermal energy, instead of the star light. If we find something like that on an ice moon in our solar system, it's probably more common in the universe. However, that life will most likely not evolve into anything bigger than a single celled organism, as the energy required for larger life simply isn't there.
But we can dream and this is really interesting stuff. Just don't let the media get to you with their inflation of the news.