Oh my gods, there are other jar enthusiasts out there??! ๐๐๐
My people! So many jars.....
This was my exact reaction. I have so many jars and they contain so many things
What about growers? All my plants and fungi grow like crazy, and my ability apparently extends to 'growing' recipes in the kitchen, whether by yeast or by ending up with way more than the recipe said.
I have been called a druid many times, yes lol
A-ha! I have found mu counterpart! My plants are not growing so well, but the fungi on my bread is doing fantastically!
Hmm I propose that this is a subcategory under a combined fire hazard and jar enthusiast. All them vessels for growing plants in, plus a bunch of kitchen work.
Maybe, but I do not plan in jars, and being a kitchen witch and making a fire hazard are not compatible.
What about lizard enthusiasts? Cat collectors?
Preemptive bone collector
Crazy parrot ladies!
Ranger / Beastmaster
Rock Hoarder here! Definitely just Rock Hoarder and not anything else like Fire Hazard, yep.
Haha yep same here! Only rocks here, definitely not a fire hazard or anything, dont bother checking!
Geomancer. With a few levels in Pyromancy.
This is druid witch erasure
i want to hang out with the shadow entities
None of you necromancers are talking bout your bone collecting. My mom used to keep wish bones from turkeys and refuse to break em cuz "bad luck". Told her she had it backwards lol
My mom saved all of our baby teeth. They're in a box in a hidden drawer in her dresser. I found them 35 years ago when we were doing a cleanout/reorganization and I happened to open up a box full of teeth.
"Mom? Are these teeth? Why are you saving teeth?"
"Those are your teeth. Yours and your brother's."
"But why are you keeping teeth?"
"I can't throw away part of my children."
It would sound sweet if it weren't also more than a bit Bates Hotel.
I bet they're still there. The teeth. She's 80 now. I wonder if my brother knows they're there. I wonder who will inherit the teeth.
Witchy Memes
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