Here! 👋
At present I have two must-buys:
- Challengers (just waited with this to see whether there's maybe a promo or two at the Spiel)
- Sky Team
And the list of games I want to take a look at, SideQuest, Lacuna, Splash Party, Earthborne Rangers, Stationfall, Ohanami, Whale to Look, Magical Friends And Where To Find Them, Redwood, Tiwanaku.
As for how to generally handle the Spiel, it depends on what you want to do. Are you more hunting for games you cannot readily get during the year, or old used games that are no longer available? Then ideally have a rough idea what you're looking for and which companies will sell it, then once the hall plans are your note down who in which hall and where, and then simply do one first lap of just those places before you stop to window shop or play games.
OTOH, if you're mostly there to try things out, I would exaclty not have too many plans. Just wander about. Do window shopping. Maybe try to do hall-by-hall so you know when you're "done" with a hall. It's also a bit much for a single day in this case.