"I'm baby"
"I am, baby"
Not that hard to understand, she was typing and probably driving home really fuckin fast. At least I would be.
I didn't realize I was in the Serious Heaven community
Just pointing it out because I see the same comment every time this is posted.
Because it's comedy gold
It’s an autocorrect of a one hand frantic typing “I’m on my way”
I'm curious as to how you know this
I just looked at my keyboard and it made sense, then I tried typing both with one hand on my phone without looking and they were similar motions.
Idk, I logicked it.
That sort of nonsense has NO place on the internet, buddy. I need you to either source that from a shady website or invent your own credentials on the spot.
Don't worry. I have a doctorate in metaphysics that I bought for $20 and I approve his message.
Yours truly,
Is your numberplate AESMAN?
It's actually Rijndael
They're baby
I didn't look close enough and thought that said "I'm busy"
Yeah, should've been "hear"
"Mom the home invader is coming upstairs to kill me"
Dad: 🤣👍
Comedy Heaven
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For comedy that's so bad it's good.
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