Many options exist, depending on your budget:
- IPS screen mod for your GB, these are usually not too costly iirc ($60 USD?)
- GBA SP (AGS 001 is frontlit and AGS 101 is backlit), around the same budget for the former, the latter is more coveted and expensive. (EDIT - initial mistake, the GBA is not front/backlit)
- Open source cartreader to dump your carts and saves (and play ROMs wherever you want) - no idea about the budget tbh
- Analogue Pocket, it's great but very likely overkill if all you want to do is play some GB games ($220 USD)
- Depending on how comfortable you are with downloading ROMs (and how ethical you feel that is, given you already have the games), you could just do that without spending a penny since GB games have been preserved and are easily accessible.
There's also a handful of other options (GameCube GB Player, SNES Super GameBoy, etc), but that's likely more consoles and accessories for you to purchase so I didn't mention those in detail.