Man I love irony.
Are you saying written better is the correct way? And better written is not correct?
I tried to google which is right and all I could find is that they’re both acceptable and might have slightly different meanings.
I see it as:
Written better as in more clear and understandable
Better written as in more eloquent
Both of which I've failed to do.
It was wrote good
*good wrotten
It's dialogue, so it doesn't matter.
Rey just 'okey-dokied' her way through the entire trilogy.
What’s most frustrating is that Rey and Finn had the potential to be great characters, but instead they’re just mediocre at best.
Anyway, here’s my 7 hour video essay of everything I hate with Last Jedi…
I was so hyped to get a Rey/Finn love story but Disney decided to split them up for the rest of the series and that was bullshit
I think John Boyega pissed off some higher up somehow and so they shat on his character for the rest of the movies.
I thought it was that he pissed off the Chinese people by being black
Ah, a Red Letter Media writer.
Would you like some Pizza Bites?
The Jar Jar Binks Experience
It. At this point it's not clear who should ve insulated by that
Fallout was so good. Can’t wait until season 2
Season 76 will sux balls tho.
But at the time we will be watching Las Vegas spinoff, so its ok.
Shots fired.
Oh, it was a stormtrooper. Carry on.
Is that why not a single one hit us???
Lucy was a totally different girl. Horny as hell too.
I liked the concept of Rey but they never fulfilled it. I liked the idea of a female hero with no sexuality, who doesn't go around showing skin and still kicks as. Of course the Fanboys miss that point and immediately lewd her and do "sexy Rey" costumes. Disney dropped the ball with that character
Star Wars (movies) were written??
That doesn't sound right.
(Not counting the books & comics)
I thought they made merch first, then promo strats, and only then the movie that fists the criteria that the previous two things set (Im basically not even wrong, that's how they started).
Star Wars was so bad. ugh
I'm out of the loop; I couldn't begin to figure out who the first set were.
I'll trade you since I didn't know the bottom set (and wish I didn't know the first set).
I just watched the first season of Fallout; I've never played the game but still found the series to be pretty enjoyable. Now that I figured out the first panel is some later Star Wars bullshit, I'll stay ignorant, I've heard nothing good about the prequels.
Those aren't from the prequel trilogy; they're from the sequel trilogy (which is even worse).
If it's a legit question, it's from "fallout" TV series.
that's a very very low bar.
The guy just directed all his warrior cult to where his girl was, without second thought. lmao
Who are they (in the top)?
Star Wars characters, from the more recent movies.
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