Why do I want to watch the video?
It’s a Wikipedia article which doesn’t appear to include a video.
There is no video of the suicide publicly available. The sole remaining copy was given to her surviving family, and it's kept in a vault never to be seen.
Also, it's been a while since I last saw the film adaptation, but iirc they cut off from showing the suicide. That's the closest we have to "seeing" it, aside from the audio that is.
I already know about this story already but subscribed to the community.
Well, that's very unfortunate. The sad thing is I can recognize her bitter attitudes and how upset she was in general from the behavior of people I've known and some family members - even how I have felt now and then.
Also in cultural references, I'd have to mention (not trying to be a dick) Hey Man, Nice Shot by Filter, which is vague but apparently about a politician who committed suicide during a broadcast.
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