Will have to get back to this question when I've got the capacity.
Previously I've been on topiramate, currently I take amantadine (chronically overlooked as a psychiatric medication, particularly useful for most mental illnesses going off preliminary studies as well as being about as good as methylphenidate/Ritalin for ADHD except without the potential for abuse/addiction and quite likely a safer alternative for children [and also this holds a lot of promise for auDHD/potential auDHDers] while also being without the nor epinephrinergic effects which makes it ideal for people sensitive to that in classic stimulants, although preliminary studies found that amantadine wasn't useful for autism), am angling for ketamine therapy.
NMDA antagonists seem to hold a lot of promise for treating autistic burnout/autistic catatonia, especially as a long-term preventative.
You might find that a psychiatrist is interested in prescribing you with Auvelity/bupropion+DXM (if Auvelity is not available where you are or if it's too expensive) as this increases the availability and the half-life of DXM and you'll get a safe dose for longer term treatment.