I had no idea that graphite was all being imported, wild
Industrial development and planning is actually really hard to drive from the top down, let alone catching up with people who are already ahead.
I had no idea that graphite was all being imported, wild
Industrial development and planning is actually really hard to drive from the top down, let alone catching up with people who are already ahead.
Indeed, it's not a problem US can solve easily.
This smells of bullshit. Typical corporate misdirectional bullshit.
do elaborate
I find it hard to believe there is no source of crystalized carbon outside of China.
It's not that there isn't, it's just that it's not necessarily economically viable, or in a state of active production. Unless we plan on sanctioning Chinese graphite in order to make it viable. That would then raise the question of where do we get it from until our own suppliers come online?
That exact type of suicidal calculus is what we're best at. Or at least well practiced at. Just look at how we wield sanctions like a cleaver. We've abused them so much that it wouldn't be a lie to say the US is a major contributor to the success of BRICS. We engineered the conditions that made a financial system outside the realm of the petrodollar not only possible, but necessary.