Art is great! But i can't, sorry
*Megalovania noises at the back slowly getting louder
Art is great! But i can't, sorry
*Megalovania noises at the back slowly getting louder
yeah, I remember a few jokes about that back when she was revealed too. That and devil trigger jokes
Oh so she's not an OC from the artist, from a game? I suppose it's this "gray raven"?
sorry for the late reply, but yeah, the game is Punishing: Gray Raven and this is one of the character's official artworks
Its fine!
Ooh, i see, so it's not fanart either, interesting
yeah, they have a lot of art for characters and scenes, mostly because the story is told in a sort of visual novel style, as well as them making art for character previews and the like. The gameplay itself is much more hack and slash though.
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