if TheSecretofLife.txt doesn't contain 42 I'm gonna be upset
The drive has been making noises since yesterday and it's still not loading. I'd say I'd get back to you, but I don't think it'll load.
hello, I'm upset
that comupter is doing its best though so I don't blame it
At it's current pace, it might take 7.5 million years
don't leave us hanging, what's in those .txts?
The world may never know :D
And totally not password123!
Tbh not the worst thing to use as a secondary backup cold wallet, so long as you’re careful where you store it.
how does Linux handle "real" floppy drives (via the ISA bus)?
Most real floppy drives are on their own port. They show up as /dev/fd0
As I said above
I have a Floppy to USB adapter inside my rig, and since my motherboard has an unused set of USB 2 headers, I just plugged it into that.
So 1 adapter and 1 usb header, and it reads it as a USB Floppy, which I believe Linux has drivers for.
The device is shown as /dev/sdd (sda is 1TB SSD, sdb is hdd#1, and sdc is hdd#2)
I almost have an internal floppy drive also. It's an internal Dell laptop drive that has a mini USB port for external use.
I have a dell laptop with that port too. Upgraded my CD drive to a CD/DVD combo drive
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