I lived in Dryden and area for 15 years. This has been an ongoing issue for decades and every level of gov't has done sfa to take care of it.
In early May I went to visit friends there and they said that there's indications the methylmercury has migrated from the river to Wabigoon Lake.
Time for the gov'ts to pony up money to buy that mill and shut it down.
E- here's a video about it ... https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=iqedC754tH8&pp=ygVRdG9yb250byBzdGFyIHB1bHAgbWlsbCBzdWxwaGF0ZSB3b3JzZW5zIG9sZCBtZXJjdXJ5IHBvbGx1dGlvbiBuZWFyIGdyYXNzeSBuYXJyb3dz