You’re being downvoted because you’re expressing an extremely myopic and unpragmatic stance. You are letting perfect be the enemy of good. The goal in the next two weeks is to prevent the fascists from winning the election.
And before you try the dEmOCrATs arE FasCiSTs tOo line: no, they’re not, and trying that sort of bullshit false-equivalence narrative will only help the fascists. There are overt fascists in this election, and it’s the Republicans. Do not attempt to blur the reality of the situation like that.
Pragmatism appointed Hitler.
Holy false equivalence, Batman.
Conceding to populism appointed Hitler. Pragmatism would have been to outlaw the NSDAP, and chuck Hitler in jail again.
Incorrect, that would have caused revolution and continued the violence. It also would have encouraged communists to more broadly recruit and educate people, and liberals really fucking hate the left wing.
Appointing Hitler was meant as the pragmatic choice, it was meant to bridge the gap between liberals who narrowly won the election and Nazis so that they could develop a bipartisan path forward without violence.
That is literally the reasoning given to appoint Hitler, and is why anyone with historical knowledge treats "pragmatic" liberals as being as dangerous as fascists.
Because you right wing people are as dangerous as fascists.
Ah so i was right, republicans, just the ones eagerly supporting the non-Trump republican party.
Why did she get the endorsements? Did she promise to end Medicare or Social Security or do whatever the Republican platform is now? No, it's because she's not Donald Trump and these people think he's such a dangerous person to make president that they're willing to endorse a Democrat in the hopes it'll convince other Republicans that they should vote for Harris.
Is that self-own?
Yes, being so unthreatening to fascists that they vote for you and endorse you is a self own, and should make all Harris voters rethink wasting their vote for a bush era Republican.
If these people were fascists, why wouldn't they just endorse Trump?
Maybe, as some of them have said, they fear the fascism Trump promises and are willing to put aside any other policy disagreements to try to end this threat of fascism in America
Or simply, they failed to gain Trump's favor. They're fascist, they fully support genocide, that's not in dispute. They just don't believe the trump version of fascism enriches them as much as Harris would.
The imperial capitalist class has infighting, it has factions, because they are (occasionally) in competition with each other. But they have general consensus on exploiting the working class and other countries.
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