You didn't get lucky, Amazon will just replace or refund with basically no questions asked. As long as you don't have a high refund ratio that is, then they will just delete your account. As sucky as they are for workers, it's peace of mind to buy things like electronics from them.
I replace/return maybe 1 out of 10 items ordered from Amazon because stuff arrives faulty, broken, or completely wrong.
They’ve sent me a threatening email about my returns at least once a year. I always reply telling them to stop being shit.
Haven’t had my account deleted yet (since 2011), but I avoid Amazon when I can.
I return at roughly the same ratio (if anything I return more often) and have never had an email about it. Seems odd that they would do that at all tbh.
This has been an ongoing issue for years. That's why whenever I buy an high value item from online, I always start recording every step of the unpacking process.
This was the first time I had seen or experienced something like this. Normally I buy exclusively from Newegg, but just happened to find a CPU that was ~30% off for some reason and thought it was too good to be true.
Turns out it was.
Keep in mind that newegg sold out in 2016 to a Chinese company. They used to be great but have been going downhill ever since. I only purchase in person at my local MicroCenter and just pull out my phone and have them pricematch. They will pricematch anything sold and shipped by Amazon for example. Dunno if you have a local store, but that's the way to go.
None near me unfortunately :(
That's kinda my thing. I wanna build a PC soon but I've heard so much sketchy stuff from buying stuff online, and I've got no electronic stores near me.
This is the way. Online purchases are always a gamble and most local stores will price match.
I'm sorry. I know this isn't helpful, but...
I don't buy electronics from Amazon anymore. Too many frauds.
don't buy ~~electronics~~ from Amazon anymore. Too many frauds.
I bought one 2 days ago as well, got it today, just the cpu cooler, no cpu.
It was a Ryzen 5700G, i went with used "Very Good", because fuck it just a cpu, but apparently that mean no actual cpu.
Returned and ordered another, new this time.
I've had similar issues with Amazon warehouse deals. Years ago they were a great deal and they actually labeled their condition accurately.
That sucks. I had no idea how prevalent this scam was.
It's a little different for Warehouse Deals. It's not unheard of for people to order something, then return either an empty box or with the item replaced with something around the same weight.
I remember purchasing a backpack sprayer off Warehouse Deals awhile back. The right box showed up but, after opening it up, it contained a children's wooden block set.
That is... unsettling
I just bought a Mobo from them and when I put the computer together my Mobo said it detected a new CPU compared to the previous one and Im still not sure I didn't get sold a used Mobo lol. The box was sealed with an Asus sticker but not plastic wrapped. I fucking hate Amazon. Computer is running fine though.
I don’t think I’ve ever gotten a shrink wrapped motherboard box, it was probably just the CPU they used for testing at the factory. Presumably they need to QA the board with some CPU before shipping.
That was my other guess
Was it sold directly by Amazon or was it fulfilled by Amazon? I run away from fulfilled by Amazon products as they’re sold by third party sellers.
I checked the link to the item and it did say sold by Amazon, shipped by Amazon. So I'm not sure what to think
It doesn't matter because Amazon comingles stock from different vendors if they have the same SKU.
But this doesn't even look like a CPU box.
Doesn't matter. If it has the right SKU, it's that item as far as fulfillment is concerned. Doesn't matter if every other item is an easy bake oven and the weird one is a giant double ended dildo, they're all the same if the SKUs match. Fulfillment doesn't have the time nor is paid enough to give a shit.
Doesn't matter. The mix together all the parts whether it was sold by Amazon or other company when it is fulfilled by Amazon.
I pretty much exclusively purchase things on Amazon (I live in a rural area, so there are no stores within an hour away other than grocery stores), and I do tons of returns. I have never once had a return denied for any reason. Their support has always been excellent for me. What you are describing is completely normal behavior for Amazon. If I got a box with nothing in it, or one item from an order missing, and I have before, I wouldn't even stress about it, because I know they would refund me no questions asked.
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