Looks like a weird extrusion issue, is your ender 3 completely stock?
It has a Bigtreetech SKR mini E3 V3, but stock otherwise.
Have you checked the extruder arm? They tend to crack. Although this looks more like overextruding rather than under, which you would expect if the arm was cracked. Still worth to check it out though
When you say same print file, I assume you mean the same gcode, same printer physical location, etc?
Is it consistent and repeatable? For example, what happens if you print the same file back to back?
Yes to everything in the first sentence. It’s not consistent, maybe 1 in three come out perfect, then the others turn out badly.
Maybe the inconsistency is in the filament? Could you try another? It could be that the diameter of the filament varies and causes this issue.
Could be, however. I’ve had the same issues with multiple filaments that I’ve used for over a year, however this has only been happening in the last month.
Super strange. Especially as it's only on one side. It looks nice though, if that was intentional I'd be impressed.
Extruder gears are free?
Extruder gears seem free, but I did just notice that the POM wheels on the x-gantry seem to have flat spots in them. This could be the cause so I’ve bought some new ones to test the theory.
That could very well be the issue. Hope it helps and you're back to flawless in no time 💖
Thanks! I’ll update the thread when I test it so there is a log for anyone else who may experience this issue.
That's the spirit. Thanks!
Does your nozzle touch your endstop or does something else? I wonder if you're having an inconsistent first layer. That can mess up my top layer and it wouldn't surprise me if it also impacted overhangs.
I’ve not had any first layer issues, all have had good extrusion and adhesion. Nothing appears to be touching.
On my Voron my nozzle triggers my z endstop. I've noticed that if I have gunk on the nozzle from the last print I won't consistently z home. That can lead to all kinds of interesting print inconsistencies.
That’s interesting, thank you, I’ll double check that too.
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