(NOTE: A lot of my more interesting "aliases" are actually short functions, but I'm keeping myself to alias
Some of mine that I haven't seen yet:
# Simple python calculator
alias pycalc='python3 -ic "
from math import *\nimport cmath as C
import numpy as np
i, j = 1j, 1j
# Defaults
alias cp='cp --interactive --reflink=auto'
alias gcc='gcc -fdiagnostics-color=auto'
# Lemmy doesn't handle ampersands in codeblocks correctly
alias rg='rg --max-columns=$((COLUMNS > 60 && ! ZSH_SUBSHELL ? COLUMNS - 30 : 0))'
alias rj='rg --json'
alias rm='rm -s'
alias rscp='rsync -azP --human-readable --info=flist0,progress2,stats1'
alias rust-c='rustc --out-dir build -O'
# Shorter forms
alias g=git
alias v=$VISUAL
alias py=python
alias jfeu='journalctl --user -xfeu'
alias sys='systemctl --user'
alias Jfeu='journalctl -xfeu'
alias Sys=systemctl
# Desktop stuff
alias trash='gio trash'
alias ud=udisksctl
alias y=wl-copy
alias Y='wl-copy -p'
alias p=wl-paste
alias P='wl-paste -p'
# Colorize with acolor/grc
alias GRC='grc -es'
alias LA='acol ls -lFAhb --color'
alias LS='acol ls -lFhb --color'
alias df='GRC df -hT'
alias dig='GRC dig'
alias docker='GRC docker'
alias docker-machine='GRC docker-machine'
alias env='acol env'
alias lsblk='acol lsblk'
alias lsmount='command mount | rg --color=never "^/" | acol -i -o mount'
alias lspci='acol lspci'
alias mount='acol mount'
alias nmap='acol nmap'
alias ping='GRC ping'
alias ps='GRC ps --columns $COLUMNS'
alias traceroute='GRC traceroute'