preserving gaming history preserves culture and history that would otherwise be extinguished
culture and history are needed to preserve human dignities and freedoms
preserving gaming history preserves culture and history that would otherwise be extinguished
culture and history are needed to preserve human dignities and freedoms
Reversing old games is a fun and rewarding learning challenge, I recommend anyone with an interest in gaming history to give it a goo
Unlike other games that can be captured in their entirety on a single device, Before Crisis was constantly overwriting its data.
What a security nightmare. Why on earth would you design a game like this? A game is not supposed to act like some computer virus.
Explanation from an article linked from the parent one:
"Phones at the time didn’t have much processing power, so the server did most of the work. For example, if you changed your weapon or materia, the server would generate a brand-new file based on your choices and send it back to your phone. Even a lot of the game’s text wasn’t stored locally — it was sent dynamically from the server when needed. Because of this, a huge amount of the game’s data never made it onto the client."
Sounds like the game was too big to fit on the meager storage these flip phones had, so you'd have to download parts of it, then delete it to free up space and download the next part.
A lot of titles were just explicitly cut up into episodic releases for this reason, like FF4 After Years. I guess Square was experimenting with a different format to make this one appear more seamless.
Vintage gaming community.
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