Charlie Brown and Shermy walk down the snow-covered lane. The latter says,"In the old days it was different" As they walk pass the wall, he continues,"People used to go through the woods to grandmother's house" As they walk up some steps, Charlie Brown says,"But not any more..." They stop and face each other. Shermy smiles as Charlie Brown concludes,"My grandmother lives in the apartment right above us!"
Charlie Brown and Shermy walk down the snow-covered lane. The latter says,"In the old days it was different"
As they walk pass the wall, he continues,"People used to go through the woods to grandmother's house"
As they walk up some steps, Charlie Brown says,"But not any more..."
They stop and face each other. Shermy smiles as Charlie Brown concludes,"My grandmother lives in the apartment right above us!"
The first appearance of the brick wall
For posts about the comic Peanuts, by Charles M. Schulz