Yeah. Being part of a corrupt kakistocracy, in a highly visible role, but not smart or tough enough to survive outside out your cushy trust fund corruption environment, is honestly one of the absolute worst places to be. You’d be better off as “prison inmate” or “homeless person.” Literally anything else.
i hope you write that down, as much as you can remember, and get it out there
Ladies: warlords will rape, abuse, and kill you. They know nothing but brutality and care nothing about your well-being.
God, I hope I am presented with a national historic news very very soon.
I fucking love Robert Evans. BTB has consumed dozens of hours of my time.
Sidenote, of course this chode doesn't acknowledge that he and his peers are unbelievably culpable in the downfall of society and probably the planet.
Hahaha you'll be the first taco Tuesday Musk.
Using Max himself as the guy with warlord potential is kinda weird considering he has passed on the opportunity every time.
We've seen Mad Max, but what about Reasonable Max, Supply-Side Max or even Opportunistic Max? Or, in this particular case, Grimes-please-call-me Max? That's a whole different story.
Yeah I haven't personally known warlords but I've been close enough to know the type and he ain't it. They would be picking bits of him out of their teeth with toothpicks by the end of day one.
Warlords don't just pay people to respect them They command respect via a combination of loyalty, fear, and rewarding those who follow them. A common cause can help but it isn't required. None of this describes Elon Musk who cuts people loose at the first opportunity, abuses his staff, and looks for every opportunity to underpay them. Most successful corporate executives would do very badly to be honest. They are the exact opposite of real leadership.
lol sorry i was confused. i gotcha.
Murdered by Words
Responses that completely destroy the original argument in a way that leaves little to no room for reply - a targeted, well-placed response to another person, organization, or group of people.
The following things are not grounds for murder:
- Personal appearance ("You're fat", "You're ugly")
- Posts with little-to-no context
- Posts based on a grammar/spelling error
- Dick jokes, "Yo mama", "No, you" type responses and other low effort insults
- "Your values are bad" without any logcal or factual ways of showing that they are wrong ("I believe in capitalism" - "Well, then you must be evil" or "Fuck you you ignorant asshole")
- Be civil and remember the human. No name calling or insults. Swearing in general is fine, but not to insult someone else.
- Discussion is encouraged but arguments are not. Don’t be aggressive and don’t argue for arguments sake.
- No bigotry of any kind.
- Censor the person info of anyone not in the public eye.
- If you break the rules you’ll get one warning before you’re banned.
- Enjoy the community in the light hearted way it’s intended.