Fine. Here we go:
God exists.
I cannot prove this claim, so it must be untrue.
There, I fixed it.
Fine. Here we go:
God exists.
I cannot prove this claim, so it must be untrue.
There, I fixed it.
So the logic is that, whoever speaks first is the one who has to prove it? In that case we can go back to the earliest time these guys ever came up that there was this single deity named God. They never proved him back then, never did so now.
no but see that was olden times so it doesn't count, only now once it's an established assumption does this rule go into effect and count.
unless I think of a new thing I want you to believe. then it has a teensy weensy time-out while I say that, then it's back in effect again.
That's a triple negative. So Zenith there, having made the third strike, is out.
Wait, that's not what the three strikes rule means? Well I mean according to Zenith's logic it is. You can't tell me he's right and I'm wrong twice. My double negative cancels out to a positive.
That’s a well charged battery
Well since you said it... I now need you to prove its well charged.
Well since you said that you need to prove to me it's not well charged.
Clearly they are miss-underestimating the implications of the axiom habet multam industriam or… something like that?
Now that you all said your stuff, I want proof that you said it, as per the lorem ipsum eunt romanes axiom
What is this supposed language you SAY exists? I need proof of this alleged... "Latin".
More like zenithAIBot
Simple: just deny his denial. Now he has to provide proof.
Oh shit, he said something in Latin. Saying something in Latin means it's always correct since it sounds so clever. Quod erat demonstrandum, the argument ends there.
Wingardium leviosa mf
Levi-oh-SAAAAAAAAAAAH you pleb
Latin and Greek are like the Ornstein and Smough of Western prescriptivism.
Everyone knows quiquid latine dictum sit altum videtur
I just want to add Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet
If we did away with organized religion, we wouldn’t be in the mess we’re in now.
Greed, fear, and ignorance are the causes of all our woes.
Religion is just how the worst people look themselves in the mirror afterwards.
You could say this at basically any point in hunan history and it would still be true
It has to be like the axiom said otherwise the axiom doesn't work.
Gee thanks pal.
"That's an awful nice axiom you have there. Would be down right awful if something should happen to it."
it's fairly easy to prove that no god exists.
jainism is a religion which negates the existence of god. islam is a religion that negates the existence of any god but their almighty.
if there did exist a god, s/he would not allow a situation where both these religions can co-exist. because any god except allah is excluded by islam, and allah themself is excluded by jainism.
ergo, god does not exist. quad erat demonstrandum.
if there did exist a god, s/he would not allow a situation where both these religions can co-exist.
All this proves is that he doesn't care about the intricacies of organised religion, not that he doesn't exist.
ah. if she does not care about the intricacies of organised religion, can we then conclusively state that all organised religions proselytising the word of god are therefore bullshit?
surely the all-powerful god, glory be in her name, would not allow false organised teligions to exist?!
This reminds me of Ricky Gervais joke:
So you believe in one God I assume... there about 3,000 to choose from. So basically you deny one less God than I do. You don't believe in 2,999 Gods, and I don't believe in just one more.
The lack of omnipotence is tautological. Can a theorized seity make a rock so heavy, the deity cannot move it? If he cannot make it, he is not imnipotent. If he makes one he cannot move, then he is not omnipotent. Adding qualifications about logical consistent omnipotence is just dissembling and lame excuse making.
I think a better way of phrasing it is that I don't know that a god exists (as in, any god, I can be quite certain that the god of the Torah or Bible is too logically incoherent to exist). I admit I don't know. But that doesn't mean I should act as though one does, especially as I wouldn't know which mutually exclusive one it would be if it did exist.
The burden of proof is on one who makes a claim to knowledge, either that a thing does exist, or that it doesn't exist. The default state is agnosticism, or admitting that you don't know, not simply disbelief.
Edit: In fact, the OP's original statement seemed to be agnostic in nature, admitting that they couldn't prove that god didn't exist, but since they couldn't prove that god did exist either, that they shouldn't waste their time acting as though it did ('pretending').
It was only the believer who misunderstood them as seeming to claim that god definitely didn't exist, but then they got into a sidetrack discussion about the burden of proof, rather than just correcting the believer's assumption about OP's belief.
7 idiots need to leave Lemmy forever.
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