Charlie Brown runs with Snoopy chasing him. The former shouts,"Mad dog! Mad dog!!" Patty watches them go, as a scared Violet stares after them and exclaims,"A mad dog! Shouldn't we call the police?" As Snoopy and Charlie Brown run pass again, Patty replies,"No, he's not that kind of a mad dog..." She watches them run along with Violet and concludes,"He's just mad at Charlie Brown!"
Charlie Brown runs with Snoopy chasing him. The former shouts,"Mad dog! Mad dog!!"
Patty watches them go, as a scared Violet stares after them and exclaims,"A mad dog! Shouldn't we call the police?"
As Snoopy and Charlie Brown run pass again, Patty replies,"No, he's not that kind of a mad dog..."
She watches them run along with Violet and concludes,"He's just mad at Charlie Brown!"
Original comic:
For posts about the comic Peanuts, by Charles M. Schulz