FIDE effectively bans trans women from competitive play for two years
Only the front doors have a manual release. So what will your child in the back seat do in the situation of a crash, and the battery is compromised causing a loss of power and threat of combustion?
To be fair doping is literally cheating and causing further damage to already exploited athletes, where as being trans just makes you cool as hell
A school can absolutely force you to use software?
Did they fix the fact you can't open the door from the inside if the power is out without an instruction manual and fingernails?
this title also applies to what i do to my ORM
sorry we are too smart and sexy to play
transphobia :(
Maybe times have changed but when I was in school a decade ago they would just say I don't care and punish you for not doing your work lol, they can absolutely make you use it by virtue of being in charge