No it's not... it's purely emphasis/stress via vowel reduction in English?
No it's not... it's purely emphasis/stress via vowel reduction in English?
The reason they have to manipulate the audience is because people look for validation and so feel good when other people react to things in the same way as them. If another equally funny show has a laugh track and you don't, yours will likely be less enjoyable to watch unless it's a specific form of humour which benefits from not having a laugh track.
Basically a laugh track can't save a terrible show, but it can manipulate people into finding a mediocre show more enjoyable to watch, but a mediocre show will make people laugh organically at least a few times anyway.
I wouldn't if I were you they're the scariest of the lot
The reason networks are all shutting down 3G is because very few people use it anymore, which means the 3G bandwidth is split between 10s of people whereas the 4G is split between 10s of thousands, as is 5G
250Mb/s among 10 people is 25Mb/s for each person, 10Gb/s among 10,000 people is 1Mb/s for each person (made up numbers and it's a bit more complex than this, but it demonstrates the point), so even though the 5G & 4G are capable of transmitting more data, per person they're not.
If you repurpose the 3G tower as 4G or 5G you can cut that 10,000 in half, which annoyingly gets rid of the hack to use 3G when it's being slow, but does improve the speed for most people
He's not wrong in that the foreigner wants cookies from any source, but he's not being truthful in that he's misrepresenting the situation by implying the only cookie that can be given away is the worker's
I think yellow is actually fine - a lick is 3 seconds of contact maximum and you're not sucking on it or ingesting it...
Lithium's the only one you'll ingest decent quantities of and it's just gonna taste fizzy and soapy with no real lasting damage, stuff like lead you won't even ingest and even if you did it'd probably be fine in such low quantities, even mercury is probably ok to lick if you're careful
That said, with the radioactive ones you need to be careful of what isotope and sample size you're licking, so licking a huge ingot of U235 would probably do some lasting damage just by being near it, but licking a small piece of U238 is more than likely fine so long as it's solid and not dust
Same thing with seceding
It depends on the situation though...
There's voting to secede (East Timor), seceding through civil war (South Sudan, Somaliland, Ireland), sededing through coup (collapse of the Soviet Union), wanting to secede but being oppressed by a regime (Catalonia to an extent, Cabinda, Xinjiang) and a foreign regime deciding part of your territory wants to secede because they want control over it (Abkhazia & South Ossetia being invaded by Russia, same with much of Ukraine, Armenia invading and genociding Artsakh in the 1990s and then Azerbaijan invading and genociding it back recently)
How do you define "standing in their way" with all these and when you've even had places like Malta and Singapore being forced to secede against their will, it's never as clean as "this is what the people want"
That said, recognising Palestine while also very much not simple is clearly the desire of the majority of the people there, but still there are places with equal popular support and implementation of independence that aren't recognised but you're always going to piss someone off I guess
I'm not sure, if you're racing me in a 100m sprint and you do it in 15 seconds, that's pretty useless information depending on whether I'm at the 90m mark or beyond the finish at that point, so it's primarily a race against the speed I travelled at
"Baby are you ok? You've barely touched your plate of beige
the appeal was declined instantaneously
I hate this so much and it was the reason I left Facebook after receiving a "warning" for the first time and getting the appeal denied despite the comment being completely benign (something like "why does Brazil fucking hate Czechs so much?" under a map of Brazil's approval of each country in Europe, where their approval of Czechia was remarkably low - I appreciate it probably saw "fucking hate Czechs" and flagged it, but any remotely human reviewer should have seen the context and immediately understood, especially when running a more in depth review as part of the appeal)
All the major tech companies seem to do this and I don't know why they even bother... If you want to give the illusion you're considering the appeal, leave it at least an hour or so, but if you're auto-declining them then just don't give people the option to appeal in the first place as you'll just make them mad
Wikipedia is a source unless you're writing an academic paper or for Wikipedia. It's far more accurate than most news sites and for the most part immune to political bias, as the only way it can be biased is to exclude things but if you do then someone else will just add them in
I just showed that the source given went directly against what was being said in the comment
Edge cases exist, some people are xxx, xxy, xyy etc.
General concensus is that if there's a Y in the mix you're biologically male at birth but it's a bit of a grey area