This seems like a terrible idea. Even if you're not committing any crime why would you want cops to pay attention to you?
Wasn't Daniel Stern willing to stop robbing the house because there's a kid? I trust the guy who does property damage over the one who's dead set on terrorizing and torturing a kid.
It reminds me of that story where a robber steals a car, then when he notices there's a kid in it he turns the car around to chastise the parent for leaving the kid inside. Don't be a thief, but if you are don't torture kids.
What's worse? You can't quit.
I don't think they do.
Astronauts do not get overtime or holiday/weekend pay. They get paid for a 40-hour work week, i.e. their regular salaries. - NASA spokesperson
The security argument is a lie, I think. I think websites like Netflix like these features so it's difficult to approach copying a video.
If security were an issue I don't think you'd be able to copy text to the clipboard in situations where you can't screenshot.
He's posted way weirder stuff than this.
I can't think of a more direct sort of murder than Tuvix but I bet it's damn near impossible for a Star Trek captain to avoid getting blood on their hands.
I like Newbie Star Trek's take on Capt. Picard in Galaxy's Child.
I get why they did it, but I'm not bringing cops to my door as a gotcha.