Do you get immediate medical treatment after, and is it free?
Looks like your spoilers aren't working - spoilers on lemmy are three : on either side of the spoiler.
The article: Rural people aren't just racist, homophobic assholes - they're struggling with apocalyptic economic destruction, constant discrimination and hatred, and have fallen through the cracks of society while society stomps on their face.
I guess you can lead a horse to water, but you can't make them read the article...
I will say, though, that as much as rural people get fucked out of their votes in most situations, they are vastly over-represented in others. For example, each vote in the electoral college for California represents 703,000 people. In Montana, on the other hand, each electoral vote represents closer to 250,000 people. There's a strong sense among city dwellers that the rural folk are dragging the entire country into hell just because they're suffering under capitalism - and they aren't wrong, in some sense. America's inconsistent, patchwork electoral system definitely contributes greatly to the urban / rural conflict.
Brain's face says it all. "I fucked it up so I guess I'll never do any of this again."
Wow, that's literally "Hang-them-from-a-gallows" treason. I wonder if anyone will even get a wrist-slap.
If this doesn't get hammered to hell, we're even more fucked than we are now.
Being an ass
Duh. But tell me again about how it was totally about PlAgIaRiSM
I could be wrong, but I think the point that @weeeeum was making is that by the point you retire, your body and mind are so wrecked from having been overworked for 30+ years that 'just go outside' is an agonizing prospect. Yeah, if you make it to that point and can still go outside and do fun stuff then great. But if you retire at 65, are male, and American, then you're retiring at the average healthy life expectancy for your group and on average have about a decade of declining health to 'look forward to'. Chart
Could it be...greed?
For real. This post has big "I have regrets and/or fears that I missed out on my younger life, and the only way to not be afraid is to invalidate other people's choices" energy. Every life and every combination of experiences produces a unique piece of art. OP, your life is valid and worthwhile - you don't have to tear other people down for that to be the case.
TBF part of this is because skill checks are weirdly broken depending on the DM. Either the rogue makes the check for the whole party, so two rogues are competing, or everyone has to make their own checks and the rogues don't help the party. Rogues worry more about skill checks than barbarians on average because that was their original role.
Some way to have multiple people contribute to skill checks would be great.